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Handheld » Game Boy (LSDJ, with extra equipment)Waking Up in the Perseids by flag VCMG (Vincent Chang)
Requested By: flag Hneet

Time Left: 5:07

Rating: 4.63 (16 Votes)

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Development Area » Demovibes Project Site (And Feature Reqs / Bugs) - Important

Pages: 1
Author Thread
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#10 (15 years, 5 months ago)

We have moved the demovibes project site over to Google Code, it can be found at the following link:

From this point onwards, this should be the place to go to report all bugs found (that are not specific to the site) as well as request new features. The developers will be checking the site daily for such reports to assist us with developing. I will start going through some of the forum posts on the site later today and add the ones I think are valid feature reqs/bug fixes, though if you want to go ahead and submit them for me, please do so You can see the currently active list of site bugs Here, and a list of those that have been fixed already can be found Here.

The new change also see's us switching to a Subversion repository instead of Git, which makes people a little more comfy when working with the code. For those who want/need/interested in looking at the code, you can check out the latest dev-branch directly from the site, or download the latest stable release (which won't be updated as often as the latest dev versions). Click the Source tab in the Google Code repo for more information.

This allows us to focus more on the code than messing around with anything else. Instead of having documents in 10 different places, we can go to one place, and keep that ticket updated as to it's current status. This branch is also aimed primarily at CVGM based development, and while some of it can be used for the other branches (and we encourage them to use it) some changes might not be as interesting to them.

Reporting Bugs / Feature Requests
Visit the Google Code site linked above and go to the Issues tab. From there, you can click 'New Issue' and from the template list, pick the template that best describes what you are trying to do. When posting tickets, please be as descriptive as possible. If we are missing info or the request isn't clear we will kick it back and ask for more info.

If we see no issues being posted, then we can only assume that the code posted is perfect!!

As always, if you have any additional questions about this change, or anything in regards to the project itself, feel free to get in touch with us here!
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#1085 (12 years, 5 months ago)
Updated the details a bit in the above post to point to the new code repo on Google, and added some links to get to Active/Fixed issues
Truth is the most important - Magda

84 Posts
#1647 (8 years, 8 months ago)
why I cannot make a New issue tiket anymore?
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#1648 (8 years, 8 months ago)
Google has since shut down its code service for new tickets. You can report issues with the site in this forum for the time being. Thanks.
Truth is the most important - Magda

84 Posts
#1649 (8 years, 8 months ago)

I noticed (and I tested all fields some time ago and now) that the fields for optional contact (these marked with word optional) do not show in user's profile.

How to reproduce the bug:
1- go to Edit My Profile link
2- type a valid URL or ID in the field AOL IM, Yahoo! ID, ICQ Number, Twitter ID
3- Press Update button
4- There is no info shown on your profile

H.O.L. ID works only fields with word optional do not and aren't viewable on profile page
Truth is the most important - Magda

84 Posts
#1650 (8 years, 8 months ago)

A lot of songs are skipped in the queue. Yesterday was actual.
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#1784 (6 years, 7 months ago)
Bug in this XML Code:

Last Played is mixed up with Last Request and the other field is missing and needs to be added to the XML code output.
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#1785 (6 years, 7 months ago)
Patch to fix the Re:Re:Re problem with Private Messages (Thanks to Phlubby for this one) :
Truth is the most important - Magda

84 Posts
#1829 (6 years, 6 months ago)

Sometimes the song is already played but it does not skip to another song, waiting for several seconds (let's say many) then switch to next. It happened for Groove Spirit but I think it does not matter what song. this may be not a bug, but from wireless connection, so consider this as observation

Error 502 for administration. Search and other features not working for all. Probably same reason, the one u mentioned Fixed

No more issues found.
Truth is the most important - Magda

84 Posts
#1950 (5 years, 6 months ago)

Hello Fishguy!

Last week the well known site for hosting the pictures, Tinypic has started closing down their service. I found out that all of my pictures posted on cvgm forums are no longer visible to others. Because I do not know another good hosting site, and it is never safe if such service wont close in another few months I have the request.

To make forum pictures and users profile-content pictures uploading directly to the site, so they will not be gone.

Forum pics would be a small percent of all stuff uploaded but it would solve the problem of disappearing pictures due to third party service closures.
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#1951 (5 years, 6 months ago)
Hi Creonix,

I think this is probably possible through some sort of FTP control on the CVGM host. I'll do some digging on it later today and see what I can get working. Theoretically, i should be able to set you up with an account there that lets you upload to your own 'folder' and stuff can be hot linked from there, whether it be pictures or something else.
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#1955 (5 years, 5 months ago)
Hi Creonix,

I have figured out a way to make this work and sent some information to your email to try out. It should be possible to add more users should it be needed. Let me know how it works!
Truth is the most important - Magda

84 Posts
#1956 (5 years, 5 months ago)
Fishguy all works fine, already fixed some of the pictures.
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#2071 (4 years ago)
All future posts in this thread should be made at forum Reporting Site Bugs. Thanks!
Pages: 1

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