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Computer » ZX Spectrum (AY)Second Comming Have video by flag Mic (Mikhail Ivashenko)
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Time Left: 5:07

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Rating: 4.57 (14 Votes)

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Development Area » Site Changes [09/27/2009]

Pages: 1
Author Thread
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#9 (15 years, 5 months ago)
Been hard at work again making even more changes to the site today. This morning I spent a bit of time rummaging through the site models code and making note of all the stuff that I missed Anyways, heres a brief summary of some of the changes added to the site tonight, and what to expect etc. :

* When viewing a song page (by clicking it's title) it will now show you a new section entitled 'Compilations / Remixes'. This new section shows you any active compilations the song you are viewing is a part of, along with a list of songs that are remixes of the song you are viewing (with links to view and queue the said-songs). Code was already present to do the reverse, showing you which song the current song was a remix of.

* Modified several Admin/Form entries to add the fields that were already present in the DB and just weren't active. This includes: ZXDemo ( for ZX Spectrum demo information), Lemon64 ( for information on C64 games), Project2612 (Sega Genesis music resource site). Also activated user hometown information and the profile templates to use it.

* Added some new fields. These include direct links to HVSC collection (for C64 demo and game tunes), user profile links for AOL, ICQ and Yahoo, and a few other fields. Also worded the help for these entries and re-arranged a few other tiny things.

* Song upload page has been completely re-done as far as field help, so there shouldn't be anymore questions about what type of files to upload etc. Also added some new fields mentioned above that are directly related to the song to help make the job on the moderators a little easier.

* All song view pages now show the length of the song This has been asked for a few times, and I apologize for not adding it in sooner. This should work on every view, queue, history, artist list etc. Format is MM:SS for each song. If you get whacked out numbers, then you know there is a problem with the MP3 file and should be reported on the appropriate forum section.

As always, please feel free to report any issues/problems/suggestions. For now, im off to get yet another rum and coke, and I hope you enjoy the changes!

Notes about ZXDemo, HVSC etc.
For songs already in the DB, any moderator can edit the song information and immediately see a bunch of the new fields. Please, if you get the time, update these fields! While it's great having lots of songs, they are usesless to most people unless the information is complete! Some songs already have comments etc. pointing to this data so update them as you see them.

In respect to new uploads, this data is present on the upload field and should be used when possible. All potential uploaders are encouraged to research their song before uploading to provide complete information. Utilize tools such as Pouet, Wikipedia and Google to find what you need!

If you have any questions about a song, don't be scared to ask! It's what we are here for

Kind Regards,

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