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Utility » RenoiseCube by flag Jonas Kroon , flag Xerxes (Klaus Lunde)
Requested By: flag djrandom
In Albums: Compilation Droplets Of Water

Time Left: 4:03

Droplets Of Water - Xerxes Screenshot
Rating: 4.36 (11 Votes)

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Report Problems / Bad Songs / Corrections » Updates to Streams and M3U File

Pages: 1
Author Thread

4 Posts
#2125 (3 years, 4 months ago)
The streams' homepage URL needs to be updated to "", the SHOUTcast stream needs to be fixed and the M3U file containing every stream needs to be updated so that the master stream's new URL is listed. As of right now, the master stream's URL is at ''".
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#2128 (3 years, 4 months ago)
I will fix the streams etc. over the weekend. Thanks.

4 Posts
#2130 (3 years, 4 months ago)
Just following up.
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#2136 (3 years, 3 months ago)

I have changed the links and a few things on this page. All but a couple of streams are up, but the correct URL to the stream list is there.

NOTE: The m3u files don't seem to work properly on Foobar2000 for Mac, they seem to append the download path AND the stream url into the direct link, but they do work fine on VLC/Winamp.

I have a few other fixes to apply for the rest of today, let's see who spots them first!


4 Posts
#2141 (3 years, 2 months ago)
The SHOUTcast stream entry of the current version of the M3U, as of the time of this writing, still doesn't work, at least on Winamp.
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#2142 (3 years, 2 months ago)
Hi Some1NamedNate,

SHOUTcast server is up and running, see below screenshot. Currentl connected to it via VLC on Mac. The status of the shoutcast stream can be seen at any time at I cannot see CVGM on the Directory listing for SHOUTcast (its telling me it's down for maintenance). I will shut it down shortly and fix the bad URL in the picture.

BTW, if someone knows a good tool for iOS that can monitor URL's like these and notify me if they go down, that would help a lot!

4 Posts
#2143 (3 years, 2 months ago)
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#2144 (3 years, 2 months ago)
Hey Everybody

I wanted to post an update on the work I have been doing with SHOUTcast and this seemed like the perfect forum to do it. So, as the previous comment indicates I have been spending some time working on the SHOUTcast situation. While to most people, it seems like just another relay but in the reality of things it actually opens up the site to a whole host of new listers as many SHOUTcast streams appear on simple internet radios and refrigerators etc. through their search service. Meet the right keywords and you can listen to CVGM anywhere.

But alas as of late, the journey has not been that straight forward.

The old software worked pretty good, we just relayed the stream and converted it to 128kb and anyone could listen, any device that supported it could relay the stream via the YP service and all was well with the world. With the newer changes, YP listings no longer work so it no longer tells the world where we are. It also tends to crap out a lot which is why when I think all is well, it actually isnt.

So, it was time to update and by doing so, use the newest most brand new versions of everything. I'll just go as far as saying the newer service and sc_serv in general is bullshit, and I will actively seek new streaming services in protest. Sadly, they have switched to a pay model and its now a bit of work to correctly make things work. By default, YP listings are https only (you can make them work on http) and to use it, you have to pay. A smart user will see the Options button and be able to select one of the other formats so I have nicely updated the description to maybe make genuine users maybe find CVGM if they like it. Also, you can no longer see whats currently playing like before.

Long story short, I purchased a new small VPS to test out some stuff so as not to break the legacy streams and I now have a new SHOUTcast server running on port 80 so even our fire-walled friends can listen! It's called Slouch, and it's slacker's more-lazy brother!

Main (new) listening URL: - 128kb SHOUTcast Stream, works on anything
SHOUTcast Listening URL: - Same relay, also should work on anything
The old links will die soon[tm]

There are no differences between the two stream links, the 1st link is a direct link to the sc_serv and the 2nd one records a few extra stats which don't mean anything without an expensive payment plan, but thats the link thats sent to your fridge etc. if you want to listen The 99530448 is CVGM's unique identifier on the service, so if something ever changes that number should always work. So I guess the 2nd link is better in case they change things internally. I dunno. The admin panels there are bollocks.

Image of the new sc_serv page. I shouldnt give it too much crap, it is improved significantly, but there are a few settings that I don't like but meh, I guess it works!

And the new radio statistic panel on YP (SHOUTcast system). This is all I can see unless I set up a subscription plan. Its pretty useless. None of the other tabs work. And before anyone asks, there is a monetize option and I have no intentions of ever monetizing the CVGM streams. If I get that hard up, i'm sure there are other options available

So, the new links are live (i'll update the M3U in a second here) and as always, I thank everyone for their patience!

Pages: 1

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