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General Discussion » Ban for Rudriger
Author | Thread |
Magda Truth is the most important - Magda 84 Posts #1667 (8 years, 2 months ago) |
Since he is spamming oneliner constantly despite of many warnings and restriction period I recommend to ban him from the website completely.
His name is: meesdorfranger and few others. |
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meesdorfranger 6 Posts #1668 (8 years, 2 months ago) |
I have showed up in the Entrance! Read "Introduce Yourself"! I don't think that you have any rights to recommend this! If someone suspends you for the weekend- then this is not responsible with any problem at all. Bannings can also mean "to help with giving someone time in an open onliner-compo" .... I don't own other accounts here- as my second test-account was removed! Instead, you are doing it! You are writing much to much lines- without content. As long, as nobody shows up- with argumentes- as long you are just a "asian chicken in the stonefields of cvgm..." Get real, if i request- then there is no forbid to request also 10minute-long-songs. GREET ME THE REALITY AGAIN, YOU CRONIC TRICKSER! /. meesdorfranger |
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debo debo is flashy, fact! :sumo: 13 Posts #1669 (8 years, 2 months ago) |
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meesdorfranger 6 Posts #1670 (8 years, 2 months ago) |
you wanted to ban TRUMP too, before he got elected as President.
what's your real motivation? and CREONIXPL: i don't trust you- as you got banned on nectarine- and don't have your own "ironic song"... never heard of healthy critics? i don't know how you do development- but it has something todo with beeing critical... and debo? it's just the BFGNET connection you show here- +1000 spaces? ... you like your "flashing smileys" more- then to "discuss" here.... why not discussing about the culture- because i saw no real official rules, and the rules i made with the team was clear (3 links a day) ... --- of course there are times when everyone is just going over this- but the linking alone is from me no problem- because i tend to link to one prooven web... this "let's assume" - is just not suitable..... ----- and don't think that answer was for you threaders- but for other readers- that like me more! |
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FishGuy876 FishGuy876 / Brainstorm 484 Posts #1671 (8 years, 2 months ago) |
You spam the oneliner way more than 3 links per day, everyone finds these crazy ass rants you run off offending, and quitre frankly if you don't stop, I will issue a permaban. |
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Magda Truth is the most important - Magda 84 Posts #1673 (8 years, 2 months ago) |
Quote: "and CREONIXPL: i don't trust you- as you got banned on nectarine- and don't have your own "ironic song"... "
I don't care u trust or not, its not ur business where I have got banned and certainly not ur concern what was story. Your future is in admins hands. |
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meesdorfranger 6 Posts #1674 (8 years, 2 months ago) |
@FishGuy: You typed as your profile picture shows you- but you know exactly that i was in an open discussion and gave arguments back- and as long as nobody is using the chat- as long as nobody has a problem- then it's this way, and not what you tried to assume me to be. and i don't count people as creonix for real- they have nothing better todo then to whine a bit around, while trying to bullying other people with that ...
I WONDER WHY PL.CREONIX HAD TO STALK MY INSTAGRAM-ACCOUNT RECENTLY, WHERE I PERMANENTLY BANNED HIS ACCOUNT FROM .......... have the other reader got that polnish-allied-whining idea? they stalk, you confront them- and then they shit away? that's not human nor scene .... @FishGuy: I am not ANYWAYS/ANYONE/NOBODY ! Remember this... |
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meesdorfranger 6 Posts #1675 (8 years, 2 months ago) |
... and why not trying to write my name correct? because someone spelled it wrong? look it upüdiger " Herkunft und Bedeutung[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] Rüdiger ist ein alter deutscher Vorname, der sich aus germanisch hroth / hruod „Ruhm, Ehre“ und althochdeutsch ger „Ger, Speer“ zusammensetzt und „ruhmvoller Speerkämpfer“ bedeutet. Verbreitung[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] Der Name war vor allem durch den Helden des Nibelungenliedes, Markgraf Rudeger von Bechelaren, bekannt geworden und bis ins 15. Jahrhundert beliebt, kam dann jedoch, abgesehen von einigen Adelsfamilien wie den Starhembergs außer Gebrauch. Erst mit der Wiederbelebung germanischer und altdeutscher Personennamen im 19. Jahrhundert erlebte Rüdiger vor allem in der 1. Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts eine Renaissance. Bekannt ist auch die Kurzform Roger, die sich über die Normannen ebenso im Englischen, Katalanischen wie Französischen als beliebter Vorname etabliert hat. Varianten[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] deutsch Rudgar, Rudigier, Rödiger niederländisch Rutger, Rogier englisch Roger französisch Roger portugiesisch Rogelio, Rogério spanisch Rogelio, Rodrigo italienisch Ruggero, Ruggiero kroatisch Ruđer " that is not much knowledge- but i can't find your variant of the topic under it ... why not using the nickname meesdorfranger? |
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Goatfather |____/_/_/_/_/_| 96 Posts #1676 (8 years, 2 months ago) |
Danke schön for sharing your knowledge, Rogelio. Or maybe Ruder. Still not sure. I like both, will decide later.
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FishGuy876 FishGuy876 / Brainstorm 484 Posts #1677 (8 years, 2 months ago) |
Keep your behaviour in check, or I will issue another ban for even longer. You do not need to be excessively spamming the crap out of everything. Thanks. |
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meesdorfranger 6 Posts #1682 (8 years, 2 months ago) |
Hej, i am not your child FishGuy!
and i am not your friend goatfather. You know that i am on search for some n1663r that stole my identity- and shares it over falsing and tricky wrong sceneproductions- like music. You got the serpents word. perhaps then you get that your posts are getting here a "mail delivery subsystem" error. try to understand who i am- and what i search. then you can clearify this within hours! !!!!!!!!!!!!! |
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sundog64 13 Posts #1687 (8 years, 1 month ago) |
Hope he wont post the same stuff here than on nacta
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FishGuy876 FishGuy876 / Brainstorm 484 Posts #1688 (8 years, 1 month ago) |
Im also getting spammed with bullshit emails from him now, perhaps a perma ban is in order? Thoughts?
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Magda Truth is the most important - Magda 84 Posts #1689 (8 years, 1 month ago) |
to me what is outside is outside, ban wont stop him from emailing you but if he gets back he will continue posting spam here so I would ignore emails and when he is back and again spamming then ban
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sundog64 13 Posts #1690 (8 years, 1 month ago) |
German authorities should actually ban him !
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