- Chiptune, Retro & Video Game Music

Development Area » New Feature: Site Links
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![]() ![]() FishGuy876 / Brainstorm 484 Posts #121 (15 years, 3 months ago) |
Yeah, every site has them ![]() ![]() When the new code goes live on the site, you'll see a new 'Links' link, that when followed will show all active links in the system. Right now, it might even show nothing ![]() Links are organized into Categories, which must be added first by a moderator. There can be as many or as little categories as the site feels it needs, and links are sorted into each appropriate category at the time they are created. When sending your links, you can specify the category you want it to appear in via a drop-down box. To submit new URL's, visit the Links page and at the bottom is a link to follow to send a new link suggestion. Once submitted, the staff will be able to review it and then approve it for inclusion. Simple! Some techy stuff The main links paged is cached for 5 mins, to prevent excessive load on the DB when it has lots and lots of different links. Site admins need to give their moderators privilidges to Add/Change labels in the permissions manager. Its a simple case of adding them to your moderator group and/or individual users. Without these privilidges, your mods won't see the 'Pending Links' admin entry. Inside the Pending Links screen, mods will see a list of all the links that are currently awaiting authorization. Beside each link, is a box containing the name of the selected category, and 3 icons which determine if the link is to be Approved, Rejected, or needs Editing. Each link can contain an icon for use in the link. This allows for more customization of the link, tailoring it to the site is is intended for. If no icon is used, the default link icon is used instead. As always, if anyone has any questions, just ask ![]() |
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