- Chiptune, Retro & Video Game Music
Development Area » Separating game from demoscene music.
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MAT Objection! 106 Posts #1346 (11 years, 2 months ago) |
I was thinking of adding a few major platforms for demoscene and other non-game music.
For a long time we had "PC - custom" and "PC - game custom" which was basically same but one contained Windows game streaming music and other just Windows non-game streaming music. I would like to separate it so it isn't all that mixed when browsing the platforms. There are only few major platforms such as Amiga or C64 or ZX Spectrum. So non-game music would all be in categories such as: - Demo » Amiga - Demo » Commodore 64/128 - Demo » PC (Windows) - Demo » PC Trackers (XM / S3M / IT) - Demo » Wild (unknown or unusual source) ... Anyone reading this just say YES if you like the idea, NO if you like it all mixed as now, or WHATEVER if you don't care one way or another as long as you can listen to your music Thx! ---------------------------------------- FINAL STATUS: NO |
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Stefan_L Deleted by request 167 Posts #1347 (11 years, 2 months ago) |
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t4s0thcmdr Anxious to return to Cydonia 13 Posts #1348 (11 years, 2 months ago) |
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Stefan_L Deleted by request 167 Posts #1349 (11 years, 2 months ago) |
Just to say more than no... the more platforms the more the uploader must have knowledge on where to put the music.... how many do know about what is "demo" and "game" music, and also more is depending on us moderators to know what is what. There is already many wrong uploads to fix.
But if anybody wants to take the task to move songs then maybe having three major categorys will be needed... "Game"... "Demo"... "Other"... so yes like Mat says in the first post but more integrated in CVGM... they will actually be platforms for the (current) platforms It is a big task and i don't know if i will have the time. |
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MAT Objection! 106 Posts #1350 (11 years, 2 months ago) |
Just to clarify on the idea of adding "Demo" platform. It is not only for demo-scene music, but for all non-game music.
The platform might as well be called "Non-game Music - Amiga", "Non-game Music - PC (Windows)", etc.. All other groups would definitely only contain game music. Either official game music or unofficial remixes of game music. But nothing random. Even "Performance" group does not contain official game music, but all the music there is either cover or remix of a game music. "Game"..."Demo"..."Other"... seems great idea, but by adding this group (whether it's called "Demo" or "Non-game Music" or something else), we would group "Demo"..."Other"... under that group, and all other groups would basically be "Game" group only without that prefix word. Oh, just to be sure about my inclination, I am also for YES, to separate game from non-game music. It doesn't matter how we call the non-game music group, whether DEMO or NON-GAME MUSIC or DEMO & NON-GAME MUSIC or something else. Just as Stefan said, it is a big task... I don't think it is a big task, but rather simple only time-consuming with switching songs from one platform to another. I do have time for it, but it will no doubt take several months to a year to have it all properly moved (if we decide on it, that is). I can say it took me a couple of months to move the current 1500 songs to OST platform (still twice as more to go, though), but mostly because I also changed all the images to OST images and what not. Just moving one song from platform to platform without any other change is much less time consuming. I can easily move 100 songs per day, so it shouldn't take more than a month per platform. |
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MAT Objection! 106 Posts #1351 (11 years, 2 months ago) |
Off the forum reply to this topic by phrank user is also YES.
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deathy Santa Clara, California 6 Posts #1352 (11 years, 2 months ago) |
I honestly think that the categories already are way over the top in their quantity... I can see wanting to have a separate demo category, but I would prefer to see a reduction of categories, not an increase. My vote has to be no.
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debo debo is flashy, fact! :sumo: 13 Posts #1353 (11 years, 2 months ago) |
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Nadascha HAS HER OWN CAMERAL USERFLAG! 12 Posts #1354 (11 years, 2 months ago) |
I say
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Hneet No info line :shrug: 8 Posts #1355 (11 years, 2 months ago) |
It sounds more like a new field : "related to" : game / demo / other.
But it's not the same usage as the "source" field. The platfform of an amiga game song is the same as an amiga demo song ? The first song is rellated to a game but not the second one |
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MAT Objection! 106 Posts #1356 (11 years, 2 months ago) |
Just so there wouldn't be confusion, I started the process of separation.
At the moment, all I did was basically renamed majority of Miscellaneous group into "Demoscene & Other Non-game Music" since most of Misc stuff are non-game stuff. Also added PC custom to the same group. The first, and only separation so far was ZX Spectrum. Basically, I created new Computer - ZX Spectrum group for games, and moved both AY and Beeper existing ones to non-game music (not sure why we need the separation, ZX sounds all like beeper to me, besides, it's no bigger difference than streaming and sequenced music on NDS is and we don't separate those two). Anyway, just thought to keep you posted. For people like deathy who fear that many new platforms will be created, that is not the case. Maybe 4-5 at the most, but some other platforms may disappear or end up merged (for example all Crap will be merged into Wild, since Crap already exists as a source... silly as that may be to begin with). Cheery-o! |
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Falken Falken / brainstorm 48 Posts #1359 (11 years, 2 months ago) |
Vote: No.
It sounds like you're trying to work around a problem due to the way the site is currently designed. What would be ideal for this case is a code change which allows one to browse or search based on the song type (which we already store in the database) from within a platform. Personally, I'd like to pull up the Amiga platform and see all tracks available -- demoscene, game, or whatever -- then filter from there. I don't think creating another set of platforms for this is really the right way to go, and would prefer better backend support in this case. Edit: FWIW, you can already browse the entire database by the song type (game, demo, chiptune, etc.) here. It's unfortunately not integrated with the platform in any way. |
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debo debo is flashy, fact! :sumo: 13 Posts #1360 (11 years, 2 months ago) |
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MAT Objection! 106 Posts #1362 (11 years, 2 months ago) |
Okay, good thing I didn't split too much so I can easily redo the work in an hour or so.
On the other hand, by not splitting game from non-game, there is no reason to have "PC custom" and "PC game custom" separation, either, so those two will be merged then. Thanks for the votes, this topic should be considered closed with final status voted for NOT separating game from non-game for any platform. All will be mixed, and separation will be made only by platform, as it was. Have a nice day... I knew that return of the Goat will come bite me in the... I do love his "debo sized" sub-grouping, though. But we can leave that discussion for another time |
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Stefan_L Deleted by request 167 Posts #1371 (11 years, 1 month ago) |
The game vs demoscene music was the reason CVGM was created
I like both and i think what Falken said is the best solution if possible... first enter platform and then have the option to filter game or any else using the "source" info... i hope it can be added for CVGM And i mean only to have two options and not for every "source" available... something like "Game / Other" clickable links that filter the songs. |
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Dankore 4 Posts #2011 (4 years, 7 months ago) |
Great post, a lot of stuff in here i did not know about
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Nadascha HAS HER OWN CAMERAL USERFLAG! 12 Posts #2101 (3 years, 7 months ago) |
oh! FalkenPoint, thank you for the link. I just discovered your answer (1000 years later)
That is what I wanted. I mostly like to listen to game music, not demo music - but I did not know how to filter correctly . So /demovibes/sources/ is a good place to start for me |
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