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Computer » PC (custom)Xmas Hardcore Anthem 2010 by flag JCO (Jan C. Obergfell)
Requested By: flag djrandom
In Albums: Compilation Happy Hardcore X-mas Ep 2010

Time Left: 5:50

happy-hardcore xmas ep 2010 Screenshot
Rating: 3.57 (23 Votes)

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Development Area » separating atari ST & XL

Pages: 1
Author Thread

79 Posts
#45 (15 years, 3 months ago)
I tried to ask about this before but somehow I didn't understand the answer. I guess ppl can tell their opinion here.

I have always seen Atari XL & ST as different platforms just like C64 and Amiga. They produce clearly a different kind of sounds.

And since we have those several different Amiga & PC formats I think Atari STE and Atari Falcon could also be separate platforms (at least if we have songs for them).
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167 Posts
#46 (15 years, 3 months ago)
The biggest difference between ST and STE is that STE has a digital soundchip.
And stereo output
Falcon is like STE but can play more advanced music (at better quality)..
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#49 (15 years, 3 months ago)
I think seperating each individual model of machine (whether it be Atari, Sinclair etc.) is a little too much right now. Grouping stuff together under a single name, like Atari, is much better for your average person who might not know any details about the chip it's played on

We are still seperating songs from when we split the Spectrum/Atari merged group, I changed about 50 more last night Seperating ST / XL etc. would be even more a pain in the ass.

Maybe append [XL] or [STe] to the end of the title name on upload, or put it in the info panel when you upload?

79 Posts
#51 (15 years, 3 months ago)
I think it's our mission to teach to average listener what these chips are about I was happy to learn about Atari XL & pokey myself some years ago

I would presume we have just a couple of XL tracks ...or no more than a dozen or two. And I guess they are quite easy to spot from the list for a person who knows Atari music well. But if you don't want to engage in this task now, we can of course postpone this task to the future.

I could myself begin the task soon by checking if there are some XL titles I know (or comparing our Atari directory to some listing of XL tunes), if you just let me to create a new XL platform category...
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#52 (15 years, 3 months ago)
If you're able to see the difference, then go ahead and do the seperation now before there are too many The only song I could tell you for sure I know of is Rob Hubbard's 'Jet Set Willy' track, as it saved the game!

I probbably have a list of all the songs on one of my sites at

79 Posts
#53 (15 years, 3 months ago)
So, now we have Atari XL/XE, Atari STe and Atari Falcon platforms

But especially for last two it seems not so easy to find songs. But there are some, so I'll try to find them sooner or later
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167 Posts
#65 (15 years, 3 months ago)
"Ace tracker" music is a Falcon specific music format, i don't really know where to download music done with it... but it seems Evil of DHS has done several recordings of Falcon music:
Pages: 1

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