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Utility » RenoiseCube by flag Jonas Kroon , flag Xerxes (Klaus Lunde)
Requested By: flag djrandom
In Albums: Compilation Droplets Of Water

Time Left: 4:03

Droplets Of Water - Xerxes Screenshot
Rating: 4.36 (11 Votes)

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Development Area » Migrating To New Code Base

Pages: 1
Author Thread
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#1052 (12 years, 5 months ago)

Over the next few days, I will begin migrating the site to the new codebase branch by akshaal (the Git repository can be found over at ). This branch is a lot more updated then the previous ones, which is nice.

Some of the obvious things that have been changed include the following:


* Major improvements in speed to display some pages & systems.
* When selecting a theme, the number of users that are currently using it are also shown.
* Some areas now have an option for Country Box, where you can click it and a box opens with all supported site flags. No more needed to remember flag codes!
* Help us: Problems with images: Shows images connected to nothing.
* Help us: Compilation problems: Shows missing cover, empty playlist.
* Help us: Song problems: not in expected compilation, kaput status.
* Help us: Artist problems: Artists with no picture, no country.


* Lots and lots of statistics for users, and the station in general.
* Top Voters, Top Uploaders, Top Oneliners, Top Requesters, Top Forum Posters, Top Song Comments, # of users by country.
* Song stats by country - See which countries have produced the most songs.
* Source statistics - See the number of sonbgs and available play time for each source category.
* Votes - See how many votes have been cast for each value.


* Compilations - When adding a new compilation, the songs returned in the search result can all be added at once.


* If a song is played that has no image, and it is in a compilation, the image of the compilation will be used instead.
* DJ Random can be altered to target different song criteria, such as playing songs that need votes (to encourage voting) or only play the best songs etc. Can also control if explicit songs are played or not.


* When viewing an artist page, all songs that appear in one or more compilations are also listed.


* Tags all viewable in XML.

Some Screenshots:

Radio Station Summary Stats:

Song Source Stats:

User Statistics:

Theres a few spelling mistakes, and a few other bits to fix yet, but I hope to get the new code live on the site in the next few days

96 Posts
#1054 (12 years, 5 months ago)
I am glad everyone can see how user R***x does a round of his usual OneLiner mobbing over my little person. Thank you.

OK, so:

* I think new (awesome) "Broken images" feature has some problems with image layout.

* Middle part of the site can display vertical and or horizontal slider. I think old behavior when content was flowed to fit into browser window was better.

(Example: compilation ( e.g. His Master's Noise ) displays vertical slider for the middle column. )

* The same compilation has formatting problems. Elements of the page (image/info/song list) draw over each other.

* div.screenshot is now 150x128 instead of 190x212. Depending on the browser it works with current 190px images (Opera) or compilation image overdraws song list (Firefox, Chrome)

Some screens:

Collection element clash
Collection element clash
Help Us - Images
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#1059 (12 years, 5 months ago)
Ive started to get the code up on the new CVGM repo, you can see the base changes in the base.css and the ther areas here:

base.css is always included, i haven't made any changes myself yet, but there is probably the size of thumbnail issue in there somewhere
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#1060 (12 years, 5 months ago)
Most of those clashes you posted do actually come from an incorrectly sized thumbnail, ill fix that here shortly

106 Posts
#1066 (12 years, 5 months ago)
Hey, this is just a suggestion, not a bug report... maybe you could add extra column to users where we could enter ID of our favorite artist (similar to how we have our favorite/ultimate song).

Don't think it'd be productive to have a favorite list of artists, but adding field for one may not be trouble to db and affect only very small part of pages and in a very small way

106 Posts
#1067 (12 years, 5 months ago)
HM, just noticed this here and now on Chrome running under Mac OS, but text in this forum does not word-wrap, it's horrible. I didn't notice that before, though. There's a huge scrollbar at the bottom center of the page, hehe.


Damn, my bad, you picture did that. I am using 1440 resolution here and now, though. All is fine

106 Posts
#1068 (12 years, 5 months ago)
Ragarding tags...

The tag lists seem generated or something, because requesting song there does not change the plus into lock icon, even if you refresh the page, but when you click on plus it says the song is locked.

Maybe there's a better way at displaying this or something since it doesn't display real-time info on the song. Not sure what is that better way, though, I'll leave the idea to our Tuna administrator
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#1073 (12 years, 5 months ago)
The new code is now live on the main site, I think I have worked out most of the bugs, but let me know if any still persist.
Pages: 1

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