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General Discussion » Testing for New Android Game

Pages: 1
Author Thread
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#808 (13 years, 1 month ago)

Im getting close to finishing work on a kids/younger audience Android game I have been working on for a short time now called Twinz. Its a memory game where you must open pairs of doors to match tiles behind them. Its based on a game I did of the same name on the Amiga (Hall of Light Link).

Anyways, you can download the APK file from here: ** New Public Download URL **

Depending on the settings of your device, you may need to go into Settings -> Applications and enable installation of 3rd party apps. Some screenshots from the Mobile optimized version. The actual APK will run on any mobile or tablet based system including Xoom and Kindle Fire:

If people could test it out and have their kids play with it too and give some feedback, that will be great. I hope to release it to the android market in the next couple of weeks. Thanks

let me hack you back in time

27 Posts
#809 (13 years, 1 month ago)
really addicting!
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#810 (13 years, 1 month ago)
Some of you guys might recognize the faces on the People & Faces level, when starting a new game choose Practise and you can select it.
let me hack you back in time

27 Posts
#811 (13 years, 1 month ago)
rams 3,799 points - a magnific score!

correction: it's super addicting
let me hack you back in time

27 Posts
#812 (13 years, 1 month ago)
i think this hasn't been implemented yet, but i write it for completeness: in the highscore tab i pressed "share" and the button just gets pressed but no other visual feedback is visible

apart from that i can't find any bugs, lags or anything that isn't working

6 Posts
#813 (13 years, 1 month ago)
QR code download link;

96 Posts
#814 (13 years, 1 month ago)
I would change tiles a bit. Borders for photos and maybe a bit of rounding.
Image's worth of 1000 words, so

And title could get some awesome 8/16-bit classic logo effects. Lighting, copper effect,
diagonal shades, cool stroke. You know - scene logo style ftw.
let me hack you back in time

27 Posts
#815 (13 years, 1 month ago)
good idea, it would look much better indeed

6 Posts
#816 (13 years, 1 month ago)
After playtesting a minute or so:

1. You should have a penalty for choosing wrong combinations. Now it seems a benefit to just select "wrong" ones in a high tempo in the beginning to get as many tiles as fast as possible.

2. Hard levels should give more score.. I easily went over 4k with semirandom clicking on medium, but struggled to reach 1k at hard.

3. Those sounds! Arrgh! My brain hurt! Maybe try to make them less sharp somehow?

A suggestion.. Maybe show the images for half a second / a second in the beginning before closing the gates?
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#818 (13 years, 1 month ago)
Thanks for everyones feedback

Im working on adding borders to the images. I dont think i can round the corners as easily as i would like without adding lots of un-necessary animation images, taking up space. Ill keep hacking at curves and see if I cant find a simple way to add it.

Sounds: Someone is working on replacing them anyways, these are un-altered and uncalibrated, which is why the doors are opening faster than sound is playing and were mainly intended as placeholders.

Scoring is based on your performance. As you begin to suck at the game, the number of points per pair starts to taper off. This is to stop you from trying to look at all the tiles first, then playing combo moves and scoring huge points. Combo moves are stacked (1x, 2x, 3x the normal points) where you get pairs in succession. This better rewards careful players, rather than those who shoot out of the starting gate. Im also experimenting with taking away some time for bad moves as well.

As for startup, I thought about showing all images, and I have an idea for a few things yet that dont involve exposing all of the doors at one time, so I will continue to work on this too. I have also thought about adding some of the bonus levels I used to use on the Amiga version of the game, which were rewarded to good players as a chance to gain some extra points. I know a couple of people who bought the Amiga versions back in the day who would curse at me if I brought back a new version of the Resistor bonus level

96 Posts
#819 (13 years, 1 month ago)
Maybe if you made background pattern around tiles black (or just darker) you could "fake" round
corners with just making few pixels in tiles' corners black? That's what I made - you can
check, it's never really round - just ~10 black pixels in each corner. Maybe it would
look close enough?

19 Posts
#820 (13 years, 1 month ago)
It is quite addicting, yeah. It seems to run OK on my Nexus S with ICS on it, although the FPS meter seems to fluctuate around 30 and 50, mostly lingering around 35. Doesn't show any signs of lag, and I'm not sure if there's some sort of FPS limit or not.
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#821 (13 years, 1 month ago)
I have uploaded a new version to the link at the top (v0.1.1, 5.1Mb) so feel free to grab it again. I have made changes to the gfx and the tilesets, and I have also been making some changes to the end of round logic, so if anyone notices any wierdness such as levels not switching correctly, let me know.

Practise levels now end after the 3rd round, and a few other bug fixes.

Today I will work on fixing the high scores (currently you don't enter your name) and also the system that will let you post them online. I'll work on sounds as soon as they are ready as well.

Thanks to everyone who has been playing the game, your feedback is very valuable & important

Falken / brainstorm

48 Posts
#822 (13 years, 1 month ago)
Nice game! Easy to play and fairly addicting. Runs on the emulator at around 1fps. Heh. Oh, and 17,539 points! \o/

Two small bugs that I noticed:

- The high score name entry field is set to allow multiple lines. Press Enter while typing in the name and you get a multiple line name.

- On the Credits page, the "More Games? ~" button has a tilde at the end (which I guess shouldn't be there, considering it's not there on the other pages).

Oh, and a pause would be nice. Or at least, stop the timer if the user returns back to the home screen while playing. I returned back to the game and immediately got a Game Over...

Looking forward to more testing!

12 Posts
#823 (13 years, 1 month ago)
OH I will try this game at home Looks very good.
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#825 (13 years, 1 month ago)

Fixed the score entry bug now, and I also fixed the pause bug. I had commented out the code (I think so i could let timer tick down when window lost focus in Windows) and never re-enabled it.

More Games is a bit broken, and im working on the high scores DB now so i'll try to get another new version later tonight up and running with score posting abilities.

I've also tweaked the code for allowing clicks on doors that are closing a bit, so it shouldnt be so easy to take advantage of that on very slow devices./
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#826 (13 years, 1 month ago)

I have posted a new version of the game. This new version has working high score submission Basically, if you have entered your name into the high score table, you can now click the Share button in the Highscores view to share them with the game's online server. There is also a setting in the Options screen to do this automatically.

High scores that have a yellow star next to them have not yet been submitted online. Ones which are Red either failed to submit, or were refused for some reason. You can view the currently submitted high scores for the game at or by clicking the button in the game.

The scores site is still being built, so it may look like crap. It should still accept your scores though without a problem. I'll continue to work on the pages to add more features to it than what is already there.

I have also made some tweaks to the scoring system. The amount of points awarded for more difficult levels pay out more, so if you play in Hard, you get more points than if you played in Easy. Im still tweaking this, but think I have found a comfortable level. If scores that are submitted start getting silly high, I may tweak them again.

Please play the game and feel free to submit some scores, and report any wierd problems you have with the game or anything else Enjoy!
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#828 (13 years, 1 month ago)

Posted a new APK tonight. I have made a bunch more changes to the games scoring system, and included a new system that awards penalty points for people that peek too much underneath tiles. Previously, it was possible to get away with quite a lot in that area, so now the game knows if you have looked under tiles before and will issue a small penalty after the 1st level.

Ive also made a lot of internal gfx changes, and re-did the Help and Credits sections. If they look stupid on certain phones, let me know and I will get it corrected.

FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#831 (13 years, 1 month ago)

Its been a bit of time, but I have posted a new APK file for download. Lots of small bug fixes and changes in this one. Also, any high scores that were made with versions prior to this one will no longer work, so you will need to play and subit some more

Ive also added a few new gameplay features into this, such as the timer not starting until the first door is clicked, and a few others.

This is most likely going to be the last test version before the game is released, so if anyone finds any wierdness please let me know Thanks to everyone for testing

FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#832 (13 years, 1 month ago)

The game has now gone live on the Android market -

Thanks again to everyone who was helping out with testing etc. with this game, I really appreciate it Extra thanks to Goatfather for drawing some awesome graphics, and the parsec for the jingles used in the game. Thanks!

FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#833 (13 years, 1 month ago)

I have replaced the link at the top of the page with the latest apk thats avalable on the app market. This is so that people who do not wish to go to the market, or have a non compatible device (such as a Kindle Fire) can still download and play the game.

The above link also has the great jingles that Parsec composed. Thanks!
let me hack you back in time

27 Posts
#835 (13 years ago)
i really like the final version and the sounds are fitting very well now
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#837 (13 years ago)

I have uploaded a new public version of the game, take note of the new URL at (I'll also update the link at the top of the page when I am done with this post).

The new version has a lot of small bugfixes in it, I have optimized a few bits of the rendering code and fixed some issues with scores. I replaced the crap ingame logo with the nice one that Goat did, and a few other minor bits and pieces.

This link can now also be spread publicly, I got an email asking how someone with a craptop android device with neither markets (Amazon or Android) can install the game, so this link will work on anything with a browser. It also lets someone download it and copy it later via a cable or SD card too. Feel free to spam the planet with the link Fot them to get the Pro version, they will still need to go through the android/amazon market.

The Pro version of the game is now live at I thank everyone involved with testing, and who have bought it so far. I am also pending approval at the Amazon app store, its been a week now without any movement there but I am confident that it will go live some time soon
Pages: 1

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