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Development Area » Demovibes MassUploader

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Author Thread
let me hack you back in time

27 Posts
#723 (13 years, 2 months ago)
Hi .. i recently resumed development for the demovibes mass uploader.

First of all, to run it you need windows or wine. I don't think it will run with mono, because of the win32 BASS integration.
To run this tool you need to have the latest version of the .NET Framework 4 installed
Get it from here, if you can't start the tool:

The tool makes use of the dynamic stuff that comes with .net 4.0.
A GTK based linux/mac port is on its way, but first i will get the windows version done.

You can find the source on gitorious (i wouldn't mess much with the code right now, beacuse i'm in the process of changing a lot of things).

anyway, feel free to suggest features, report bugs, rant about .net

0) Click "Settings.." and enter your userdata.
1) drag and drop the audio files you want to upload on the datagrid or click the "add files" button

2) right click on a row where the artistID is 0 and a search dialog will popup.
3) use the search and select an artist. If the artist isn't available, go to the demovibes page and create the artist manually
4) select the artist by clicking on an artist search result
5) as soon as there is an artist id in the artistID field, you can right click again on the field, and select "copy value to all rows in this column" and things like that.
6) enter the missing data in the missing fields
7) press upload and wait until the upload process is done

( o Y o ) ლ(°◡°ლ)

72 Posts
#724 (13 years, 2 months ago)
Funny coincidence rams, i was talking about such a thing 2 days ago, and thought that someone like you could have the skills to do it ! Thank you very much ! Gonna try this with the remaining FF IX soundtrack
( o Y o ) ლ(°◡°ლ)

72 Posts
#726 (13 years, 2 months ago)
Beta testing : Troubles with login, it said there is an error with my login. After a few tries, i quit, then started again, and it worked. I had no error with bigbeat radio, only with CVGM.
Then search for artist makes it crash.
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#727 (13 years, 2 months ago)

Nice tool I get the same error asy syd with logging in, and then if I specify my creds in the config file manually I get:

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.

And a lot of other .NET bollocks Is there something specific the server needs to have set or enabled for logins to work correctly?

I also reccomend that instead of typing in the URL, maybe a drop down box with some pre-determined sites, and offer the URL for a custom site?
( o Y o ) ლ(°◡°ლ)

72 Posts
#728 (13 years, 2 months ago)
Now uploading ... The process of artist / label / platform filling was a bit long. I searched the number of artist / label / platform and pasted it for each song (more than 20) so it was quite long. Appart from that, there is just a few links missing, but that's only for CVGM, because we have many possible links, like VGMdb, ect...
Good job ! I'll see if it's uploading to the right place in a few minutes !

5 mins later : OK, so the fiels are correctly uploaded, but despite the fact that i correctly filled LABEL and SOURCE ID, it's missing after uploading.

Appart from that, it's pretty cool. Maybe an option to automatically modify the name of the songs would be cool. Let's say i have "blah blah" and "bli bli" as title for the songs. If i add "GAME NAME - blah blah", it would add "GAME NAME - bli bli" automatically. But it's just a detail : )

Edit : what a retard am I ! There an option, when right-clicking, to "copy to all fields in this row" !! Awesome>. But it seems to work only with Artist fields ?
( o Y o ) ლ(°◡°ლ)

72 Posts
#729 (13 years, 2 months ago)
Rams, as Stefan_L suggested, one of the most annoying thing with Demovibes is when you want to have multiple artists. Would it be possible, for example, to add a "add more artist" button, so that it would be possible to have as many columns for artists as you want, and then just fill each one with artists' ID ?
Maybe "Lookup Artists" is done for that, but i can't access this button.
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#730 (13 years, 2 months ago)
@Ultrasyd: I think the limitation there is the fact that just like regular uploads, the system must uipload to an individual artist. The additional artists must be added afterwards via the Edit Info option. It would be nice if the tool would actually go to this step and insert the additional information, but unfortunately it does not.

The code for the tool is in Git as rams stated, I may check it out sometime and see whats going on with it, but I do not want to succumb to the wrath of Microsoft-only libs like .NET

Rams, is there any way to make the program puke out a bunch of debugging info to a file so I can track why it crashes for me?
let me hack you back in time

27 Posts
#731 (13 years, 2 months ago)
thanks a lot for the feedback so far
i added all the suggested stuff (except for multiple artists) - and i'm working on the platform etc features right now.
Deleted by request

167 Posts
#732 (13 years, 2 months ago)
Looking forward to the new version
( o Y o ) ლ(°◡°ლ)

72 Posts
#733 (13 years, 2 months ago)
Yay \o/
let me hack you back in time

27 Posts
#734 (13 years, 2 months ago)
( o Y o ) ლ(°◡°ლ)

72 Posts
#735 (13 years, 2 months ago)
Lookup function still makes it crash as soon as I try it.
So i go the manual why, looking in CVGM database for ID, but i can't fill the Label ID, because tehre is a "-" there, which doesn't let me enter a number. While it's possible why other fields where there is a "0"
Deleted by request

167 Posts
#736 (13 years, 2 months ago)
I just tried the massuploader for the first time (v0.2) and it worked perfect Thanks Rams for this great program.
( o Y o ) ლ(°◡°ლ)

72 Posts
#737 (13 years, 2 months ago)
Stefan, you entered a number for artist ID, or you could use the search function ? And what about the label ?
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167 Posts
#738 (13 years, 2 months ago)
for the artist i entered the number and for the label i right clicked in the field and searched for the label (Jaleco in this case).
( o Y o ) ლ(°◡°ლ)

72 Posts
#739 (13 years, 2 months ago)
Great !

Here : I can now access the search function without crashing, but it finds no results :/
On my second computer, it works, but it now lacks just a little thing : copy the label ID to all tunes : ) Artist name was directly read from the id3 tag, awesome.
Don't know what's wrong with my computer, i reinstalled .NET just like on the 2nd computer, and it fails ...

What about you Fish, does it work now ?
let me hack you back in time

27 Posts
#740 (13 years, 2 months ago)
thanks for the report syd.. i will fix it this evening
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#741 (13 years, 2 months ago)
I havent tried it yet no, I will try it right now. Has the issue with upload files as jpg been fixed?
( o Y o ) ლ(°◡°ლ)

72 Posts
#742 (13 years, 2 months ago)
Haha, ok, so it's a bug because of the uplaoder ! I wasn't sure at all. I saw that Stefan uploaded some Tetris 2 tunes, and i just wanted to get a preview and listen, but the file could not be played, and the player was displaying "filexxxx.jpg", so i checked song info and saw that all his upload were jpg. Then i made a test with my recent uploads with the preview player, and i could listen to the songs, but i didn't check the song info. I see now that it's jpg too. But in any case, the stream play the files without any problem.
let me hack you back in time

27 Posts
#743 (13 years, 2 months ago)
oops will fix that now

contents.Append("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\""+streamfieldname+"\"; filename=\""+streamfieldname+".jpg\"" + System.Environment.NewLine);

19 Posts
#744 (13 years, 2 months ago)
Looking forward to when the Linux & GTK version comes out for me to use.
let me hack you back in time

27 Posts
#745 (13 years, 2 months ago)

fixed the jpeg problem and some other things
let me hack you back in time

27 Posts
#746 (13 years, 2 months ago)
i found the gtk version i started 2 years ago and some of the code even survived into the most recent version a first universal version should be available soon
Deleted by request

167 Posts
#747 (13 years, 2 months ago)
Fishguy.. should the songs that was uploaded with the older massuploader and became "JPG" be replaced (even if they play correctly in the stream)?
FishGuy876 / Brainstorm

484 Posts
#748 (13 years, 2 months ago)
If the already-uploaded songs play fine, then no, you do not need to re-upload them
let me hack you back in time

27 Posts
#750 (13 years, 2 months ago)
status update on the mono/gtk# port:

completed tasks:
- add tracks
- display tracks in grid
- customize grid
- write all forms
- prepare all callbacks
- upload logic

remaining tasks:
- add lookup logic
- add option to remove tracks from grid
- testing

i'm writing this down mainly for me to remember because i forgot to set all the proper //TODO: comments
( o Y o ) ლ(°◡°ლ)

72 Posts
#751 (13 years, 2 months ago)
Thank you for the updates rams ! I'll test v.0.3 during the week-end : )
Deleted by request

167 Posts
#752 (13 years, 2 months ago)
I can't add a youtube video id it just shows an error message?

Also a good feature would be to be able to add the same labels for all song that are selected... instead of adding for one song at a time.
let me hack you back in time

27 Posts
#753 (13 years, 2 months ago)
don't worry will all be in the new gtk version
let me hack you back in time

27 Posts
#754 (13 years, 2 months ago)
don't worry will all be in the new gtk version
Pages: 1 2

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