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Arcade » Other (any non-listed arcade)Air Assault - Stage 2 Have video by flag Rikei
Requested By: flag djrandom
Production Labels: LabelIrem

Time Left: 1:42

Rating: 4.17 (6 Votes)

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Songs connected to tags

Song Title Artist Song Length Status Avg. Vote Queue Last Played
Computer » Commodore 64/128Switchblade - Ingame Have video flag Ben DaglishDeceased 3:22 Active 4.5 Log in to queue 2024-11-11
Computer » Commodore 64/128Switchblade - Title Have video flag Ben DaglishDeceased 2:50 Active 4.6 Log in to queue 2024-09-24
Computer » PC (OPL2 = AdLib / Sound Blaster)Syndicate - Opening Have video flag Russell Shaw 2:07 Active 4.3 l Locked 2024-12-17
Computer » ZX Spectrum (AY)Target Renegade - Level 1 & 3 Have video flag Gary Biasillo , flag Jonathan Dunn 5:00 Active 4.3 Log in to queue 2024-08-16
Computer » ZX Spectrum (AY)Target Renegade - Level 2 Have video flag Gary Biasillo , flag Jonathan Dunn 3:59 Active 4.2 Log in to queue 2024-10-04
Computer » ZX Spectrum (AY)Target Renegade - Level 4 Have video flag Gary Biasillo , flag Jonathan Dunn 2:31 Active 4.2 l Locked 2024-12-13
Computer » ZX Spectrum (AY)Target Renegade - Title & Level 4 Have video flag Gary Biasillo , flag Jonathan Dunn 2:45 Active 4.4 l Locked 2024-12-11
Computer » Commodore 64/128Terra Cresta Have video flag Martin Galway 3:39 Active 4.8 l Locked 2024-12-11
Computer » Commodore 64/128Terramex Have video flag Ben DaglishDeceased 3:14 Active 3.9 l Locked 2024-12-16
Computer » Commodore 64/128Tetris Have video flag Hagar (Wally Beben) 25:54 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2024-11-07
Console » Mega Drive / GenesisThe Adventures of Batman and Robin - Big Machines Have video flag Jesper Kyd 4:29 Active 4.0 l Locked 2024-12-19
Console » Mega Drive / GenesisThe Adventures of Batman and Robin - Dark Studio Have video flag Jesper Kyd 7:00 Active 4.3 Log in to queue 2024-10-31
Console » Mega Drive / GenesisThe Adventures of Batman and Robin - Gotham by Night Have video flag Jesper Kyd 6:57 Active 4.7 l Locked 2024-12-04
Console » Mega Drive / GenesisThe Adventures of Batman and Robin - Moving Boss Have video flag Jesper Kyd 5:56 Active 4.4 l Locked 2024-12-10
Console » Mega Drive / GenesisThe Adventures of Batman and Robin - Moving Trucks Have video flag Jesper Kyd 5:36 Active 3.7 l Locked 2024-12-19
Console » Mega Drive / GenesisThe Adventures of Batman and Robin - Space Boss Have video flag Jesper Kyd 4:25 Active 4.3 l Locked 2024-11-30
Computer » Amiga (500 / 600 / 1200 / 2000 / 3000 / 4000)The Carl Lewis Challenge - Ingame Have video flag Chris Hülsbeck 0:48 Active 4.3 Log in to queue 2024-10-31
Computer » Amiga (500 / 600 / 1200 / 2000 / 3000 / 4000)The Carl Lewis Challenge - Title flag Chris Hülsbeck 4:28 Active 4.8 Log in to queue 2024-11-26
Computer » PC (Roland MT-32)The Immortal - Title Have video flag Rob Hubbard 0:42 Active 4.8 Log in to queue 2024-12-05
Computer » ZX Spectrum (AY)The Light Corridor - Title Have video flag Alberto Jose Gonzalez 4:06 Active 4.8 l Locked 2024-12-19
Computer » ZX Spectrum (AY)The NeverEnding Story Have video flag Fred Gray 3:17 Active 4.4 l Locked 2024-12-12
Console » Nintendo 64 (N64)The New Tetris - Title Have video flag Neil D. Voss 2:18 Active 4.3 Log in to queue 2024-11-11
Console » Sega CD / Mega CDThe Ninja Warriors - AD 1993 (With Speech) Have video flag Hisayoshi Ogura (小倉 久佳) GroupZuntata 0:39 Active 5.0 Log in to queue 2024-05-26
Computer » Commodore 64/128The Untouchables - The Alleys Have video flag Jonathan Dunn , flag Matthew Cannon 1:17 Active 4.4 Log in to queue 2024-11-06
Computer » Commodore 64/128The Untouchables - Title Have video flag Jonathan Dunn , flag Matthew Cannon 2:55 Active 3.8 l Locked 2024-12-03
Computer » Commodore 64/128The Untouchables - Unknown Have video flag Jonathan Dunn , flag Matthew Cannon 1:02 Active 4.2 l Locked 2024-12-20
Computer » Commodore 64/128The Untouchables - Warehouse & Railway Station Have video flag Jonathan Dunn , flag Matthew Cannon 1:17 Active 4.9 Log in to queue 2024-09-06
Computer » Commodore 64/128The Vikings Have video flag Ben DaglishDeceased 2:25 Active 3.1 l Locked 2024-12-06
Computer » Commodore 64/128Thing On A Spring Have video flag Rob Hubbard 2:24 Needs Re-Encoding 4.7 Log in to queue 2024-09-10
Console » Mega Drive / GenesisThunder Force IV - Evil Destroyer Have video flag Toshiharu Yamanishi (山西 利治) 1:14 Active 3.0 Log in to queue 2023-12-28
Console » Mega Drive / GenesisThunder Force IV - Metal Squad [Stage 8] Have video flag Toshiharu Yamanishi (山西 利治) 2:18 Active 4.8 l Locked 2024-12-05
Console » Mega Drive / GenesisThunder Force IV - Omake 11 (Tool Version) Have video flag Toshiharu Yamanishi (山西 利治) 5:17 Active 4.5 Log in to queue 2024-11-12
Console » Mega Drive / GenesisThunder Force IV - Omake 2 Have video flag Toshiharu Yamanishi (山西 利治) 3:02 Active 4.3 l Locked 2024-12-16
Console » Mega Drive / GenesisThunder Force IV - Stand Up Against Myself [Staff Roll] Have video flag Toshiharu Yamanishi (山西 利治) 1:49 Active 4.7 l Locked 2024-12-12
Computer » Commodore 64/128Time Machine Have video flag Martin Walker 3:36 Active 4.6 Log in to queue 2024-08-25
Computer » Commodore 64/128Times of Lore Have video flag Martin Galway 7:45 Active 4.5 Log in to queue 2024-11-06
Computer » Amiga (500 / 600 / 1200 / 2000 / 3000 / 4000)Toki - Ice Palace Have video flag Pierre-Eric Loriaux 2:40 Active 4.7 Log in to queue 2024-10-14
Computer » Amiga (500 / 600 / 1200 / 2000 / 3000 / 4000)Toki - Lake Neptune Have video flag Pierre-Eric Loriaux 3:17 Active 4.3 l Locked 2024-11-26
Computer » Commodore 64/128Trap Have video flag Ben DaglishDeceased 9:46 Active 4.3 Log in to queue 2024-05-17
Computer » Commodore 64/128Treasure Island Dizzy - Title Have video flag Matt Gray 0:58 Active 4.7 Log in to queue 2024-11-21
Computer » Amiga (500 / 600 / 1200 / 2000 / 3000 / 4000)Turrican - Title Have video flag Chris Hülsbeck 4:16 Active 4.9 l Locked 2024-12-20
Computer » Amiga (500 / 600 / 1200 / 2000 / 3000 / 4000)Turrican II: The Final Fight - Secret Dungeons Have video flag Chris Hülsbeck 3:23 Active 4.7 l Locked 2024-12-20
Computer » Amiga (500 / 600 / 1200 / 2000 / 3000 / 4000)Turrican II: The Final Fight - The Desert Rocks Have video flag Chris Hülsbeck 3:47 Active 4.9 l Locked 2024-12-10
Computer » Amiga (500 / 600 / 1200 / 2000 / 3000 / 4000)Turrican II: The Final Fight - The Final Challenge Have video flag Chris Hülsbeck 3:00 Active 4.9 l Locked 2024-12-05
Computer » Amiga (500 / 600 / 1200 / 2000 / 3000 / 4000)Turrican II: The Final Fight - The Final Fight Have video flag Chris Hülsbeck 7:23 Active 5.0 Log in to queue 2024-10-07
Computer » Amiga (500 / 600 / 1200 / 2000 / 3000 / 4000)Turrican II: The Final Fight - The Wall Have video flag Chris Hülsbeck 3:48 Active 4.8 Log in to queue 2024-11-15
Computer » Amiga (500 / 600 / 1200 / 2000 / 3000 / 4000)Turrican II: The Final Fight - Traps Have video flag Chris Hülsbeck 3:43 Active 4.9 Log in to queue 2024-10-28
Computer » Amiga (500 / 600 / 1200 / 2000 / 3000 / 4000)Twintris: We're the Devils Have video flag Walkman (Tor Bernhard Gausen) 6:20 Active 4.6 l Locked 2024-12-09
Console » Super NES (SNES) / Super FamicomUltima: Runes of Virtue II - Title Have video flag Martin Galway 2:40 Active 4.7 Log in to queue 2024-10-09
Utility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)Unreal Tournament: Botpack #10 Have video flag MCA (Michiel van den Bos) 4:20 Active 4.6 Log in to queue 2024-10-09
Utility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)Unreal Tournament: Cannonade Have video flag MCA (Michiel van den Bos) 1:55 Active 5.0 l Locked 2024-12-06
Utility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)Unreal Tournament: Colossus Have video flag MCA (Michiel van den Bos) 4:17 Active 4.4 l Locked 2024-12-10
Utility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)Unreal Tournament: Ending Have video flag Siren (Alexander Brandon) 1:47 Active 5.0 Log in to queue 2024-11-11
Utility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)Unreal Tournament: Enigma Have video flag Basehead (Dan Gardopée) 3:24 Active 4.3 Log in to queue 2024-12-05
Utility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)Unreal Tournament: FireBreath Have video flag Teque (Tero Kostermaa) 3:15 Active 4.6 Log in to queue 2024-10-22
Utility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)Unreal Tournament: Foregone Destruction Have video flag MCA (Michiel van den Bos) 4:11 Active 4.8 l Locked 2024-12-13
Utility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)Unreal Tournament: Go Down Have video flag Siren (Alexander Brandon) 3:00 Active 4.5 l Locked 2024-12-12
Utility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)Unreal Tournament: Into The Darkness Have video flag Siren (Alexander Brandon) 2:43 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2024-11-09
Utility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)Unreal Tournament: Intro Have video flag MCA (Michiel van den Bos) 1:26 Active 4.6 Log in to queue 2024-11-26
Utility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)Unreal Tournament: Lock Have video flag MCA (Michiel van den Bos) 2:43 Active 4.5 l Locked 2024-12-05
Utility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)Unreal Tournament: Main Menu Have video flag Siren (Alexander Brandon) 1:59 Active 4.5 Log in to queue 2024-11-12
Utility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)Unreal Tournament: Mission Landing Have video flag MCA (Michiel van den Bos) 4:12 Active 4.6 Log in to queue 2024-10-25
Utility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)Unreal Tournament: Nether Animal Have video flag MCA (Michiel van den Bos) 5:00 Active 4.8 l Locked 2024-12-09
Utility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)Unreal Tournament: Organic Have video flag Siren (Alexander Brandon) 3:03 Active 4.6 Log in to queue 2024-09-15
Utility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)Unreal Tournament: Phantom Have video flag MCA (Michiel van den Bos) , flag Siren (Alexander Brandon) 6:01 Active 3.9 Log in to queue 2024-11-01
Utility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)Unreal Tournament: Run Have video flag MCA (Michiel van den Bos) 4:33 Active 4.7 Log in to queue 2024-12-01
Utility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)Unreal Tournament: Save Me Have video flag Siren (Alexander Brandon) 1:51 Active 4.3 l Locked 2024-12-16
Utility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)Unreal Tournament: Seeker 2 Have video flag Basehead (Dan Gardopée) 3:25 Active 3.6 l Locked 2024-11-28
Utility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)Unreal Tournament: Skyward Fire Have video flag MCA (Michiel van den Bos) 4:56 Active 4.7 l Locked 2024-12-16
Utility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)Unreal Tournament: Superfist Have video flag Siren (Alexander Brandon) 1:57 Active 4.3 Log in to queue 2024-11-13
Utility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)Unreal Tournament: The Course Have video flag MCA (Michiel van den Bos) 4:28 Active 4.4 Log in to queue 2024-10-25
Utility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)Unreal Tournament: Three Wheels Turning Have video flag Siren (Alexander Brandon) 2:24 Active 4.0 l Locked 2024-12-15
Utility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)Unreal Tournament: Underworld 2 Have video flag Siren (Alexander Brandon) 3:09 Active 4.2 Log in to queue 2024-09-28
Computer » Commodore 64/128Uuno Turhapuro Muuttaa Maalle - Ingame Have video flag Yip (Jori Olkkonen) 1:21 Active 4.6 Log in to queue 2024-09-29
Computer » PC (OPL3 = SB Pro 2 / SB16 / AWE32 / AdLib Gold)Wacky Wheels - Title Have video flag Mark Klem 1:59 Active 4.9 l Locked 2024-12-05
Computer » PC (General MIDI)Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness - Humans Theme 1 Have video flag Glenn Stafford 2:30 Active 4.6 l Locked 2024-12-17
Computer » PC (General MIDI)Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness - Humans Theme 4 Have video flag Glenn Stafford 3:04 Active 5.0 Log in to queue 2024-11-29
Computer » PC (Game CD Audio)Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness - Humans Theme 4 flag Glenn Stafford 3:40 Active 4.9 Log in to queue 2024-11-26
Computer » PC (Game CD Audio)Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness - Humans Theme 5 flag Glenn Stafford 3:34 Active 4.4 Log in to queue 2024-05-31
Computer » PC (Game CD Audio)Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness - Orc 1 flag Glenn Stafford 3:31 Active 4.8 Log in to queue 2024-12-02
Computer » PC (Game CD Audio)Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness - Orc 2 flag Glenn Stafford 3:34 Active 4.8 Log in to queue 2024-11-28
Computer » PC (Game CD Audio)Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness - Orc 3 flag Glenn Stafford 3:33 Active 4.6 l Locked 2024-12-10
Computer » PC (Game CD Audio)Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness - Orc 4 flag Glenn Stafford 3:27 Active 4.9 Log in to queue 2024-11-28
Computer » PC (Game CD Audio)Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness - Orc 5 flag Glenn Stafford 3:32 Active 4.8 Log in to queue 2024-10-27
Computer » Atari ST (Sixteen/Thirty-two)Wings Of Death #4 Have video flag Mad Max (Jochen Hippel) 1:23 Dupe 4.6 l Locked 2024-05-13
Console » PlayStation (PSX)Wipeout - Cairodrome Have video flag CoLD SToRAGE (Tim Wright) 5:15 Active 4.2 Log in to queue 2024-11-29
Console » PlayStation (PSX)Wipeout - Cold Comfort Have video flag CoLD SToRAGE (Tim Wright) 5:05 Active 4.4 l Locked 2024-12-01
Console » PlayStation (PSX)Wipeout - Doh-T Have video flag CoLD SToRAGE (Tim Wright) 5:15 Active 4.2 l Locked 2024-12-06
Console » PlayStation (PSX)Wipeout - Messij Have video flag CoLD SToRAGE (Tim Wright) 5:16 Active 4.2 l Locked 2024-12-10
Console » PlayStation (PSX)Wipeout - Operatique Have video flag CoLD SToRAGE (Tim Wright) 5:18 Active 4.6 Log in to queue 2024-11-27
Console » PlayStation (PSX)Wipeout - Transvaal Have video flag CoLD SToRAGE (Tim Wright) 5:05 Active 4.1 l Locked 2024-12-15
Console » PlayStation (PSX)Wipeout - Wipeout Intro Have video flag CoLD SToRAGE (Tim Wright) 1:10 Active 3.6 l Locked 2024-12-08
Computer » PC (Windows - streaming and other)Wipeout XL - Gods Gift Have video flag CoLD SToRAGE (Tim Wright) 4:44 Active 4.7 l Locked 2024-12-09
Computer » PC (Windows - streaming and other)Wipeout XL - Hakapik Murder Have video flag CoLD SToRAGE (Tim Wright) 4:06 Active 4.5 Log in to queue 2024-11-09
Computer » PC (Windows - streaming and other)Wipeout XL - KinKong Have video flag CoLD SToRAGE (Tim Wright) 4:31 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2022-10-03
Computer » PC (Windows - streaming and other)Wipeout XL - Messij Received Have video flag CoLD SToRAGE (Tim Wright) 4:16 Active 4.5 Log in to queue 2024-11-12
Computer » PC (Windows - streaming and other)Wipeout XL - Messij XTND Have video flag CoLD SToRAGE (Tim Wright) 9:20 Active 3.7 Log in to queue 2024-11-03
Computer » PC (Windows - streaming and other)Wipeout XL - Plasticity Have video flag CoLD SToRAGE (Tim Wright) 3:53 Active 3.5 Log in to queue 2024-10-26
Computer » PC (Windows - streaming and other)Wipeout XL - Surgeon Have video flag CoLD SToRAGE (Tim Wright) 4:04 Active 3.8 Log in to queue 2024-04-03
Computer » PC (Windows - streaming and other)Wipeout XL - Tenation Have video flag CoLD SToRAGE (Tim Wright) 2:39 Active 3.3 Log in to queue 2024-10-09
Computer » PC (Windows - streaming and other)Wipeout XL - Tentative Have video flag CoLD SToRAGE (Tim Wright) 5:25 Active 4.7 Log in to queue 2024-10-24
Console » Mega Drive / GenesisWolfchild - Stage 1 ..Wolfship.. Have video flag Matt Furniss 3:34 Active 4.8 l Locked 2024-12-10
Console » Mega Drive / GenesisWolfchild - Stage 2 ..Jungle.. Have video flag Matt Furniss 2:20 Active 4.2 l Locked 2024-12-12
Computer » Atari ST (Sixteen/Thirty-two)Xenon II - Ingame Have video flag David Whittaker 2:37 Active 4.5 l Locked 2024-12-01
Computer » Atari ST (Sixteen/Thirty-two)Xenophobe - Track 1 Have video flag The Jackal (Barry Leitch) 2:53 Active 4.1 l Locked 2024-12-03
Computer » Atari ST (Sixteen/Thirty-two)Xenophobe - Track 2 Have video flag The Jackal (Barry Leitch) 2:58 Active 4.2 Log in to queue 2024-11-04
Computer » Commodore 64/128Yie Ar Kung Fu (Les Chants Magnétiques part 4) Have video flag Martin Galway 8:54 Active 4.3 l Locked 2024-11-29
Computer » Commodore 64/128Yie Ar Kung Fu 2 Have video flag Martin Galway 3:23 Active 4.2 Log in to queue 2024-11-14
Computer » Amiga (500 / 600 / 1200 / 2000 / 3000 / 4000)Yo! Joe! - Intro Have video flag Michael Bialas 3:53 Active 4.4 l Locked 2024-12-07
Computer » PC (Windows - streaming and other)Zeus: Master of Olympus - Oyonos User Henry Beckett , flag Keith Zizza 3:21 Active 4.3 l Locked 2024-12-09
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