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Handheld » Game BoyDeli-Cinq by flag J. Arthur Keenes
Requested By: flag djrandom

Time Left: 3:17

Rating: 3.44 (9 Votes)

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Songs connected to tags

Song Title Artist Song Length Status Avg. Vote Queue Last Played
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Fatal Fight (Jin & Margulis) flag Deb Lyons , User Jerry O'Sullivan , flag Susumu Nishikawa (西川 進) , flag Tokyo Philharmonic Chorus (東京混声合唱団) , flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 4:13 Active 3.0 Log in to queue 2024-07-11
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Final Crisis User Ikuo Kakehashi (梯 郁夫) , flag Rie Akagi (赤木 りえ) , flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 2:14 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2021-05-02
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse - First Meeting flag Deb Lyons , flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 2:48 Active 4.0 l Locked 2024-12-02
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Gate Out flag Susumu Nishikawa (西川 進) , flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 3:29 Active 3.0 Log in to queue 2023-01-30
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Here He Comes flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 1:57 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2024-09-03
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Here He Comes #2 flag Deb Lyons , flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 3:30 Active 3.0 Log in to queue 2024-10-21
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Here She Comes (Kos-Mos) flag Rie Akagi (赤木 りえ) , flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 2:38 Active Log in to queue 2024-05-13
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse - I Am Free flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 1:40 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2023-06-24
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse - In the Beginning, There Was... flag Deb Lyons , User Jerry O'Sullivan , flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 2:00 Active 3.0 l Locked 2024-12-05
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse - In the Beginning, There Was... #2 flag Deb Lyons , flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 2:00 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2024-10-25
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Inside: Sakura #3 flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) , flag Yuriko Kaida (貝田 由里子) 1:24 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2022-03-15
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Jr. User Hitoshi Konno (今野 均) , User Ikuo Kakehashi (梯 郁夫) , User Margaret Dorn , flag Masayoshi Furukawa (古川 昌義) , flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 3:26 Active 4.7 l Locked 2024-12-17
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Jr. #2 flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) , flag Yuriko Kaida (貝田 由里子) 1:41 Active 2.7 Log in to queue 2024-10-31
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Jr. #4 flag Masayoshi Furukawa (古川 昌義) , flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 2:37 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2021-12-09
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Lamentation User Masaharu Ishikawa (石川 雅春) , User Motofumi Ogiwara (荻原 基文) , flag Rie Akagi (赤木 りえ) , flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 5:24 Active 5.0 Log in to queue 2023-03-23
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Nephilim flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 1:28 Active Log in to queue 2024-11-02
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Presentiment: Jr. #3 User Hitoshi Konno (今野 均) , flag Masayoshi Furukawa (古川 昌義) , flag Susumu Nishikawa (西川 進) , flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 3:15 Active 5.0 Log in to queue 2021-11-17
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse - R&D Report flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 1:51 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2024-02-22
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Sakura #2 (Theme: Simple Vocal Version) User Margaret Dorn , flag Masayoshi Furukawa (古川 昌義) , flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 2:32 Active 3.5 Log in to queue 2022-10-02
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Sakura #4 (Theme: Gentle Strings Version) flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 2:06 Active 5.0 Log in to queue 2023-11-14
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Sakura (Theme: Piano Version) flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 1:38 Active 2.0 Log in to queue 2024-06-08
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Strain: Jin flag Deb Lyons , User Ikuo Kakehashi (梯 郁夫) , User Jerry O'Sullivan , flag Masayoshi Furukawa (古川 昌義) , flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 3:55 Active 5.0 Log in to queue 2021-12-23
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Strained flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 1:08 Active Log in to queue 2024-09-12
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Strained #2: Albedo #2 flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 3:55 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2024-09-22
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Surrounded User Ikuo Kakehashi (梯 郁夫) , flag Rie Akagi (赤木 りえ) , flag Susumu Nishikawa (西川 進) , flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 2:55 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2024-09-28
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Sweet Song (Xenosaga II Ending Theme) User Ikuo Kakehashi (梯 郁夫) , User Margaret Dorn , flag Rie Akagi (赤木 りえ) , flag Tokyo Philharmonic Chorus (東京混声合唱団) , flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 5:33 Active 3.5 Log in to queue 2022-12-11
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse - The Image Theme of Xenosaga II flag Deb Lyons , User Jerry O'Sullivan , flag Tokyo Philharmonic Chorus (東京混声合唱団) , flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 3:24 Active 5.0 Log in to queue 2024-04-11
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse - The Image Theme of Xenosaga II (Piano Version) flag Deb Lyons , flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 3:10 Active Log in to queue 2024-01-26
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse - U-Do: Febronia flag Susumu Nishikawa (西川 進) , flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 3:48 Active 2.0 Log in to queue 2022-03-27
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Xenosaga II Opening Theme User Ikuo Kakehashi (梯 郁夫) , flag Rie Akagi (赤木 りえ) , flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 2:32 Active l Locked 2024-12-21
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - A Dark Omen flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 2:27 Active 5.0 Log in to queue 2024-08-24
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - A Memory of a Tragedy flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 1:40 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2024-10-29
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - A New World flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 2:11 Active 5.0 Log in to queue 2022-07-15
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - A New World #2 flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 1:54 Active Log in to queue 2023-11-09
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - A Prelude to the Tragedy flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 2:00 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2023-06-10
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - Battleland flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 3:34 Active 5.0 Log in to queue 2024-04-05
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - Creeping Into flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 2:14 Active Log in to queue 2024-05-03
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - Crisis Coming flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 2:50 Active Log in to queue 2024-06-18
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - Fallout flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 2:03 Active 5.0 Log in to queue 2024-10-19
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - Fate flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 2:11 Active 3.5 Log in to queue 2024-03-10
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - Febronia flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 2:50 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2022-06-23
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - Febronia #2 flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 2:12 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2021-06-08
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - Forgotten Sanctuary flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 2:25 Active Log in to queue 2024-06-14
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - Godsibb flag Eri Itou (伊東 恵里) , flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 3:22 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2023-09-17
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - Hepatica #2 flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 1:42 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2024-07-20
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - Hepatica #3 (I Believe in You) flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 7:51 Active 3.5 Log in to queue 2024-07-15
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - Hepatica (KOS-MOS) flag Eri Itou (伊東 恵里) , flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 5:14 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2024-11-13
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - I Love You, Sincerely flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 3:31 Active Log in to queue 2022-04-10
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - In a Limestone Cave flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 2:16 Active 3.0 Log in to queue 2024-04-02
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - Inferno flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 1:54 Active 5.0 Log in to queue 2023-09-15
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - Maybe Tomorrow (Ending Medley) flag Emily Curtis , flag Tokyo Philharmonic Chorus (東京混声合唱団) , flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 7:43 Active 4.5 Log in to queue 2024-11-23
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - Mother, I Miss You flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 2:20 Active 5.0 Log in to queue 2020-10-23
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - On our Ways flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 2:36 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2024-08-24
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - Outrageous flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 2:41 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2020-12-21
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - Promised Pain flag Tokyo Philharmonic Chorus (東京混声合唱団) , flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 3:06 Active 3.0 Log in to queue 2022-12-16
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - Rolling Down the U.M.N. flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 2:07 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2023-09-23
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - She's Coming Back flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 1:56 Active 5.0 Log in to queue 2021-10-29
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - Shifting Territories flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 3:21 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2023-09-01
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - Survive flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 3:08 Active 5.0 Log in to queue 2024-07-09
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - T-elos flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 2:21 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2022-02-09
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - T-elos #2 flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 2:11 Active Log in to queue 2020-12-17
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - Testament flag Tokyo Philharmonic Chorus (東京混声合唱団) , flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 3:44 Active 5.0 Log in to queue 2023-09-15
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - The Battle of Your Soul flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 3:07 Active 5.0 Log in to queue 2022-11-04
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - The Harsh Truth flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 2:08 Active 5.0 Log in to queue 2024-02-07
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - The Miltia Incidents flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 3:04 Active 5.0 Log in to queue 2023-12-28
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - To the Last Place flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 1:53 Active Log in to queue 2024-05-31
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - We've Got to Believe in Something flag Tokyo Philharmonic Chorus (東京混声合唱団) , flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 3:06 Active 4.3 Log in to queue 2024-11-09
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - When the Grief Lets You Go flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 2:32 Active 4.5 l Locked 2024-12-03
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - When the Grief Lets You Go #2 flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 3:22 Active Log in to queue 2022-01-06
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - Zarathustra Dangeon flag Yuki Kajiura (梶浦 由記) 2:17 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2023-03-10
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga: Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht - Kokoro flag Joanne Hogg , flag Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典) 5:37 Active 3.5 Log in to queue 2024-09-08
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga: Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht - Nephilim flag Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典) 2:30 Active 4.0 l Locked 2024-12-07
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga: Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht - U.M.N. Mode flag Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典) 2:39 Active 4.5 Log in to queue 2024-11-18
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Xenosaga: Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht - Zarathustra flag Yasunori Mitsuda (光田 康典) 3:05 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2023-02-25
Console » PlayStation 3 (PS3)Yakuza 3 - Credits flag Unknown Artist 4:32 Active 4.7 l Locked 2024-12-11
Console » PlayStation 3 (PS3)Yakuza 3 - Fly (opening cinematic size) flag Hidenori Shoji (庄司 英徳) 1:34 Active 4.7 l Locked 2024-12-12
Console » PlayStation 3 (PS3)Yakuza 4 - Credits flag Unknown Artist 7:15 Active 4.0 l Locked 2024-12-08
Console » PlayStation 3 (PS3)Yakuza 4 - For Faith (opening cinematic size) flag Hidenori Shoji (庄司 英徳) 1:29 Active 5.0 Log in to queue 2024-12-08
Console » Super NES (SNES) / Super FamicomYs III: Wanderers from Ys - Frozen in Time Have video flag Masaaki Harada , flag Michiharu Hasuya , flag Osamu Kasai 1:46 Active 4.5 Log in to queue 2024-11-06
Console » PC Engine / TurboGrafx-16Ys: Book I & II (I) - Palace Have video flag Mieko Ishikawa , flag Ryo Yonemitsu , flag Yuzo Koshiro (古代 祐三) 2:02 Active 4.6 l Locked 2024-12-15
Console » PC Engine / TurboGrafx-16Ys: Book I & II (II) - Palace of Salmon Have video flag Mieko Ishikawa , flag Ryo Yonemitsu , flag Yuzo Koshiro (古代 祐三) 1:57 Active 3.8 Log in to queue 2024-09-12
Console » PC Engine / TurboGrafx-16Ys: Book I & II (II) - Ruins of Moondaria Have video flag Mieko Ishikawa , flag Ryo Yonemitsu , flag Yuzo Koshiro (古代 祐三) 2:07 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2023-08-15
Console » Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) / FamicomZelda II: The Adventure of Link - Town Have video flag Akito Nakatsuka (中塚 章人) 1:24 Active 4.7 Log in to queue 2024-12-01
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