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Miscellaneous » Wild (unknown/unusual source)We Are Obsolete Computers (Live @ Eindbaas 9) (2012) by flag UltrasydDeceased
Requested By: flag HaCKa
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Time Left: 54:06

Eindbaas 9 Poster Screenshot
Rating: 4.65 (20 Votes)

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Station Overview

Song Status Summary

Status Total songs Total playtime Unlocked songs Unlocked playtime
Active 41057 85 days 11:29:20 32199 64 days 23:41:03
Removed By Request 16 56:19 0 00:00
Dupe 49 2:46:57 0 00:00
Inactive 50 4:43:53 0 00:00
Jingle 274 44:36 0 00:00
Kaput 34 35:57 0 00:00
Needs Re-Encoding 43 2:36:56 0 00:00
Rejected 28 1:13:17 0 00:00

Song Source Statistics

Source Total songs Total playtime Unlocked songs Unlocked playtime
---------------- 2629 5 days 17:31:01 2050 4 days 8:01:11
Demo 1504 3 days 17:21:42 1023 2 days 10:39:23
Game 15162 24 days 5:28:38 12159 18 days 19:07:24
Chiptune 2057 4 days 4:30:01 1503 3 days 0:04:02
OldSkool 712 1 days 20:57:37 530 1 days 7:12:51
NewSkool 338 16:06:22 283 12:37:05
Compo Entry 908 2 days 1:05:00 640 1 days 9:53:37
Remix 1509 5 days 6:27:38 1021 3 days 18:26:45
Commercial CD 1061 2 days 19:58:11 769 2 days 1:06:06
Live Performance 142 2 days 10:59:45 100 2 days 0:22:57
Crap 41 1:46:20 24 1:05:04
Party 45 4:34:54 29 3:31:22
Utility 10 38:24 5 19:58
Song 2090 5 days 22:18:54 1489 4 days 4:11:02
Disk Mag 92 5:34:00 71 4:22:11
Music Disk 753 1 days 22:03:35 520 1 days 6:46:25
Intro / Cracktro 142 6:08:58 112 4:46:40
Jingle 177 54:31 167 51:20
Official Original Soundtrack (OST) 8438 15 days 18:17:52 7243 13 days 6:51:55
Game (CD Audio) 442 19:31:35 335 13:39:55
E.P. / Compilation / Free Album 2782 7 days 3:32:05 2104 5 days 8:04:33
MEDIT 14 37:52 13 34:52
Podcast 1 37:22 1 37:22
Invitation 2 05:43 2 05:43
Animation 6 21:20 6 21:20

User Votes Distribution

Votes Total songs Total playtime Unlocked songs Unlocked playtime
5 2580 3 days 5:26:36 2493 3 days 2:38:35
4 10632 17 days 6:50:27 10128 16 days 11:34:12
3 5480 10 days 10:44:56 5197 9 days 21:57:59
2 3966 7 days 23:29:15 2575 5 days 7:24:57
1 3683 7 days 21:46:47 2416 5 days 5:39:06
None 2769 6 days 6:58:37 1807 4 days 4:38:27

Uploaded Songs By Country

Country Total songs Total playtime Unlocked songs Unlocked playtime
flag Japan (jp) 12227 19 days 11:48:50 9927 15 days 11:12:33
flag United States (us) 10282 19 days 23:47:39 8442 16 days 1:32:51
flag United Kingdom (gb) 4869 10 days 8:25:43 3680 7 days 17:59:57
2873 5 days 4:47:28 2468 4 days 9:52:15
flag Germany (de) 2798 6 days 17:07:25 2066 4 days 19:27:26
flag Sweden (se) 1916 4 days 22:47:48 1388 3 days 14:27:34
flag Finland (fi) 1683 4 days 3:19:46 1239 2 days 22:45:52
flag Canada (ca) 1546 3 days 13:46:12 1159 2 days 14:41:37
flag France (fr) 1491 4 days 16:09:44 1113 3 days 11:30:38
flag Poland (pl) 1036 2 days 6:02:48 760 1 days 14:34:31
flag invader 940 1 days 10:02:55 815 1 days 4:34:05
flag Norway (no) 866 3 days 6:17:10 623 2 days 8:32:43
flag Russian Federation (ru) 730 1 days 13:52:04 547 1 days 4:12:48
flag Netherlands (nl) 711 1 days 16:33:47 521 1 days 4:09:50
flag Denmark (dk) 641 1 days 20:05:52 446 1 days 2:38:53
flag Australia (au) 321 21:10:59 256 16:33:10
flag wales 271 13:37:19 205 9:47:36
flag Italy (it) 216 12:53:22 171 10:21:01
flag scotland 215 9:02:45 188 7:47:55
flag Hungary (hu) 203 10:26:30 149 7:11:27
flag Czech Republic (cz) 200 11:46:03 137 8:31:32
flag Switzerland (ch) 193 12:03:59 141 8:58:11
flag Spain (es) 153 7:35:21 116 5:26:45
flag Israel (il) 132 5:21:48 121 4:49:45
flag Slovakia (sk) 120 5:41:23 95 4:28:32
flag Ukraine (ua) 108 5:33:58 64 3:20:27
flag Korea, Republic of (kr) 101 4:49:56 69 3:17:11
flag Belgium (be) 98 6:24:37 74 4:49:16
flag New Zealand (nz) 79 2:51:51 69 2:15:53
flag Belarus (by) 76 3:26:44 59 2:38:47
flag Bulgaria (bg) 63 2:31:57 53 2:00:28
flag Brazil (br) 58 3:20:49 47 2:39:22
flag Slovenia (si) 56 4:28:43 40 3:04:17
flag South Africa (za) 48 1:59:15 45 1:52:48
flag Portugal (pt) 45 2:41:20 35 2:00:40
flag england 41 2:09:54 31 1:32:43
flag Croatia (hr) 30 2:08:16 25 1:48:14
flag China (cn) 27 1:32:56 19 1:09:54
flag Greece (gr) 27 2:18:19 20 1:47:29
flag Malaysia (my) 24 54:42 24 54:42
flag Mexico (mx) 23 1:06:47 21 1:00:26
flag Austria (at) 20 1:11:09 17 58:21
flag Estonia (ee) 19 41:30 10 23:31
flag Argentina (ar) 17 1:19:56 15 1:11:24
None None 14 29:43 11 22:50
flag Egypt (eg) 13 56:49 9 35:12
flag Indonesia (id) 12 41:00 9 31:54
flag Ireland (ie) 12 1:07:18 5 25:04
flag Serbia (rs) 10 1:04:12 5 32:06
flag Taiwan, Province of China (tw) 10 53:14 10 53:14
flag Iceland (is) 8 22:50 5 15:57
flag Colombia (co) 7 46:09 6 41:45
flag Cuba (cu) 7 09:33 7 09:33
flag Iran, Islamic Republic of (ir) 6 18:09 5 15:03
flag Romania (ro) 6 19:44 5 17:11
flag Singapore (sg) 6 30:25 3 18:20
uk 3 09:14 3 09:14
flag Chile (cl) 2 06:13 1 03:55
flag Iraq (iq) 2 11:38 2 11:38
flag Lithuania (lt) 2 06:45 1 02:53
flag United Arab Emirates (ae) 1 03:25 1 03:25
flag American Samoa (as) 1 02:30 1 02:30
flag Bahamas (bs) 1 03:52 1 03:52
flag Costa Rica (cr) 1 02:49 1 02:49
flag Dominican Republic (do) 1 03:14 1 03:14
flag Isle of Man (im) 1 02:54 1 02:54
flag Luxembourg (lu) 1 02:52 1 02:52