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Computer » PC (custom)born_in_80s by flag silok (Robert Katsenos)
Requested By: flag djrandom

Time Left: 2:23

Rating: 4.50 (6 Votes)

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Song Information

Miscellaneous » NewschoolEnergies I - Grey Skies Still Have Shades of Blue Have video

Author: flag Starpilot (Duane Aberle)

Uploaded By: flag Starpilot

Extra Resources:

Song Length: 4:38
Release Year: 2012
Song Status: Active
Song Bitrate: 258 kbps
Song Source: E.P. / Compilation / Free Album
Song Platform: PlatformMiscellaneous » Newschool

Additional Information:

i wrote this song sitting outside on a cloudy day, realizing that all grey skies have a little bit of blue hope in them if you look for it. the only part of this song that was created via electronics was the kick drum. everything else is real live acoustic instruments. electric guitars + fx, fretless bass, voice, cowbells, woodblock, triangle, various shakers, tibetan bell, a drinking glass, jingly bells, and some percussion instruments that i'm not sure the name of.


look up to the cloudy skies and see foundations on the rise
blue skies always poking through it smiles at you it smiles at you

look up to the overcast skies and survey for the breaking signs
pieces of blue sky poking through focus on it, it's all in view

focus on what you want to see and that is what your life will be
focus on what you want to be and your life will form for you to see

sunshine always turns and hides and every grey sky comes in time
but shades of blue always shine through they shine for you they're loving you

heavy clouds can darken you but sunshine has it's shadows too
learn to see clear in the gloom and you can radiate and bloom

focus on what you want to see and that is what your life will be
focus on what you want to be and your life will form for you to see

grey skies still have shades of blue
grey skies still have shades of blue
darkness shows the light for you
sunshine has it's shadows too

Last Queued : 2 weeks, 3 days ago

This song has been played 82 times. [See Request History]
It was added 12 years, 2 months ago.

Song Rating

Song Rating: 4.4 - Votes Placed: 8 View Voting History
A total of 4 users have this song on their favourites list.

Compilation / Remix Information

This Song Is Listed In The Following Compilations:

Compilation Energies I


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User Comments

User Song Comment
flag FroggyMe

less experimental? This is psychedelic!

flag Goatfather

Thanks for making a song also for less experimental people like me.