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Requested By: flag djrandom
In Albums: Compilation Viva La Revolution!

Time Left: 2:56

Dorothy's Magic Bag - Viva La Revolution Screenshot
Rating: 3.00 (1 Votes)

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Song Information

Miscellaneous » Wild (unknown/unusual source)Retro Respect Explicit content

Author: flag Sonsbeek

Uploaded By: flag FishGuy876

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Song Length: 3:50
Song Status: Active
Song Bitrate: 192 kbps
Song Source: Demo
Song Platform: PlatformMiscellaneous » Wild (unknown/unusual source)

Last Queued : 2 weeks, 3 days ago

This song has been played 204 times. [See Request History]
It was added 15 years, 5 months ago.

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Song Rating

Song Rating: 3.9 - Votes Placed: 25 View Voting History
A total of 14 users have this song on their favourites list.

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User Comments

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flag Magda
Truth is the most important - Magda

Chorus: I wanna be with you, I wanna be with you babe

flag debo
debo is flashy, fact! :sumo:

Yeah, y'all
Sonsbeek is back
Breakpoint two-zero-zero-seven
We're gonna bring you back, way back
Way back in the old days

Let me take you back to '95
when the Demoscene was still alive
A high tower, floppy drive, and a CRT
was all I needed for a scener to be x2

Over a decade ago, I remember it well
took a trip to a place where a party was hell
Like-minded individuals, early nerd rage
Commodore to Amiga, effects to upstage

You did it for the game, you did it for the fame
and at every competition, you just write your name
The demo don't run? What the f*ck is this?
I guess it's time to tweak my config.sys

Files says 80 and buffers says 10
Got that Quarterdeck b**ch all up in my RAM
486DX to the 4
Run everything smoothly, on just one core

320x200, 256 colors
Run PCB, Amiga, they make me holler

From plasma fires, to torus blobs
Polygonal orgies that just don't stop
Gouraud shaded donuts, lowres as fuck
copperbars and shit, bobs already sucked

We did on Amiga what we faked on PCs
In those times, the Commodores grew on trees
Life was still merry, everything was still fun
I rendered 99 polys and I shaded none

Fellow Meeting (i was there)
Assembly '92 (i was there)
The Party '94 (i was there)
Gathering '96 (i was there)
Mekka '98 (i was there)
Bizarre 2000 (i was there)
Evoke 2002 (i was there)
Breakpoint 2k7 (we are here!)

Let me take you back to '95
when the Demoscene was still alive
A high tower, floppy drive, and a CRT
was all I needed for a scener to be x2

Time for the shoutouts to my crazy homies from the old days
Noon, my homies at Triton, Future Crew, Halcyon, Logic Design, Dutch homies
Acme, my homies at Candela
Straight up all of you. To the olden days
Pouring one out for the fallen and locked up.
You're all in my heart homeboys
Keep it realtime!

Ooh, baby move ax to b
I got my pixel shaders ready so can't you see
No guts, no glory when you're playing MODs
And check your BBSs for the latest prods
Let me take you back to '95
when the Demoscene was still alive
A high tower, floppy drive, and a CRT
was all I needed for a scener to be x2

Let me take you back to '95
when the Demoscene was still alive
A high tower, floppy drive, and a CRT
was all I needed for a scener to be x2