- Chiptune, Retro & Video Game Music

Song Information

El Blanco (Mark Sanders)

Song Length: 6:24
Release Year: 1996
Song Status: Active
Song Source: NewSkool
Song Platform:
Utility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)
Additional Information:
This tune has a more colorful history than most. I'm entirely sure how the first version was created but it's gained a bit of a cult following. I know this, the main chord samples were ripped from Necros and the rest of the song just sorta "popped" into place around that. At some point or another some people started to ask for a remix. Rather than go the traditional route, I actually included the remix after the original mix in the same module. By this time I had co-joined Opiate for a short spell and released the mix+remix under them (ignore the dates as they seem to be a hair off). Opiate disbanded, Terraformer was having issues so I made my own "group" of me and me and released a much demanded second mix under N-Trak - again following the Kanamon tradition to include all previous mixes in the same module. The result is a 10+min monster with three mixes of the same song! Strangely enough I ended up liking all three mixes.
Release info:
I was sittin in #trax one day when a fella (Pubert) said "Hey aren't you the Kanamon worms guy?" And well one thing led to another. I told him I always regretted not making that song with NNA's in it. (I basically composed it as a massive channel s3m). He convinced me to redo it with NNA's and a remix of it. So here it is. Part I is pretty much the origional except now it's done with NNA's where they probably should have been in the first place. The second part is a quicky remix of the main piano part all fancied up with the chords and bass strings. How did I come up with this song? One day I was bored and screwin around with my sample archive trying ta come up with something when I stumbled off of two of Necros's chord samples. I figured out a simple
progression and the song took off. In about 2 hours I had hammered out the main song. Within a 3rd hour I had the song ready for release. Now I've spent another 1 and a half hourse making two remixes. Must be a speed tracking record (hey Kiwidog remember Master of Madness? 3am 45min sleep?). Anyways here it is if you don't like it, it's all good, if you do then that makes me feel super nifty. latez.............LBB
\ /
\ /
\ /
| 1/97
+[Samples]=== -- - --- - +
Kanamon Worms
ver 1.5
supplemental remix
total playtime6:21
| Lord Blanka the Black
| Terraformer/Opiate
Greetz ta:
Pubert (for making me do
this remix),TF,Op,Hornet
Ryan Cramer (Ren)
C.C.Catch (thanks for
putting up with my use
of those old Daredevil
samps). And Hornet
again for running the
best archive on the net.
Special thanks to all
whose samples I used in
this song (especially
Necros who's chord samps
inspired this tune)
Shift-f9 for more info
f4 for origional comments
+-- - --- - - -- - --- - +
+[Instruments]===--- - - +
Kanamon worms.
My first complete .it
One of these days I'll
figure out the new
Lord Blanka the Black
approx 3:20 or so.
\ /:( I cant do my old
| logo any more.
1996 Terraformer
Ohh this
bad boy with the bass
ALL the way up. :)
Last Queued : 4 days, 18 hours ago
This song has been played 8 times.
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It was added 13 years ago.
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Song Rating: 4 - Votes Placed: 2
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