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Computer » ZX Spectrum (Beeper)Knight Tyme - Title & In-Game Have video by flag David Whittaker
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Production Labels: LabelMastertronic

Time Left: 3:14

Rating: 3.67 (12 Votes)

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Song Information

Miscellaneous » NewschoolComputer, ich befehle dir!

Author: flag Jakob Bienenhalm

Uploaded By: flag cxw

Extra Resources: Icon Icon

Song Length: 3:39
Release Year: 2007
Song Status: Active
Song Bitrate: 224 kbps
Song Source: Compo Entry
Song Platform: PlatformMiscellaneous » Newschool

Additional Information:

By Jakob Bienenhalm, which is an alias of JCO.

Lyrics (English translation)

(Verse 1)

Computer, I command you
Calculate life for me!
You are always right
My unflagging number cruncher! (Rechenknecht = calculating meniant)

Computer, I command you!
I am your master!
Machine, thus obey me
and divide these numbers by four!

(Singer) 16
(Computer) 4
(Singer) 28
(Computer) 7
(Singer) 42
(Computer) 10.5
(Singer) Globalization
(Computer) cannot be calculated


You dare to oppose me,
Monstrosity of tangled wires,
Tubes and potato snacks!
Never forget, I am your God!
And I am a specialist in electronic scrap!

Be my servant!
Be my slave!
Be mine for all eternity!
Be my servant!
Be my slave!
Be mine for all eternity!
Be mine

(Verse 2)

Computer, I command you
Calculate life for me!
You are always right
My unflagging number cruncher!

Computer, I command you!
I am your master!
Machine, make yourself useful to me
Calculate the square root:

(Singer) 9
(Computer) 3
(Singer) 324
(Computer) 18
(Singer) zero
(Computer) zero
(Singer) rubber tree
(Computer) cannot be calculated


Lyrics (German original):

1. Strophe

Computer, ich befehle dir!
Berechne mir das Leben!
Du hast immer Recht,
Mein niemals müder Rechenknecht!

Computer, ich befehle dir!
Ich bin dein Gebieter!
Maschine, so gehorche mir!
Teile diese Zahl durch 4!

(ich) 16
(er) 4
(ich) 28
(er) 7
(ich) 42
(er) 10,5
(ich) Globalisierung
(er) Kann nicht berechnet werden


Du wagst es dich zu widersetzen,
Ungetüm aus wirren Drähten,
Röhren und Kartoffelsnacks!
Vergesse nie, ich bin dein Gott!
Und ich bin Fachkraft für Elektroschrott!

Sei mein Diener,
Sei mein Sklave,
Sei mein, in alle Ewigkeit!
Sei mein Diener,
Sei mein Sklave,
Sei mein, in alle Ewigkeit!
Gehöre mir!

Strophe 2

Computer, ich befehle dir!
Berechne mir das Leben!
Du hast immer Recht,
Mein niemals müder Rechenknecht!

Computer, ich befehle dir!
Ich bin dein Gebieter!
Maschine, so sei mir zu Nutze,
Rechne mir die Quadratwurzel!

(ich) 9
(er) 3
(ich) 324
(er) 18
(ich) Null!
(er) NULL
(ich) Kautschukbaum!
(er) Kann nicht berechnet werden.


Du wagst es dich zu widersetzen,
Ungetüm aus wirren Drähten,
Röhren und Kartoffelsnacks!
Vergesse nie, ich bin dein Gott!
Und ich bin Fachkraft für Elektroschrott!

Sei mein Diener,
Sei mein Sklave,
Sei mein, in alle Ewigkeit!
Sei mein Diener,
Sei mein Sklave,
Sei mein, in alle Ewigkeit!
Gehöre mir!

Lyrics from Translation by user Renderwahn ( on Nectarine, modified by flagcxw. On Nectarine at

Last Queued : 3 weeks, 3 days ago

This song has been played 139 times. [See Request History]
It was added 13 years, 8 months ago.

Song Rating

Song Rating: 3.9 - Votes Placed: 24 View Voting History
A total of 13 users have this song on their favourites list.

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