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Computer » Atari ST (Sixteen/Thirty-two)Life's A Bitch - AK-Screen Have video by flag Mad Max (Jochen Hippel)
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In Albums: Compilation Life's A Bitch

Time Left: 3:58

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Rating: 4.73 (11 Votes)

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Computer » PC (custom)The Sound Of SceneSat, Vol. 2 - Tron vs. Sarek - Adelsten (Relaxed Beekveld remix)

Author: User Tron

Uploaded By: flag FishGuy876

Extra Resources: Pouet

Song Length: 2:46
Release Year: 2011
Song Status: Active
Song Bitrate: 193 kbps
Song Source: E.P. / Compilation / Free Album
Song Platform: PlatformComputer » PC (custom)

Additional Information:

Tron said: "Tron here! I'm seriously thinking about changing my nick for the first time since 1982. Sure, the new Tron Legacy movie is okay-ish, but not okay enuf that I'd want to associate myself with it to such a degree that I'd adopt a nick from it. Anyways... About the remix: I got my hands on some of the Sarek studio tracks. And the whole idea behind my remix was: Pick a genre that is as far away as possible from their regular repertoire. Ska/Reggae would do the trick, slashme reckoned. So off I went, and this is the result. I didn't use any of the instruments of the original tracks exept for bass parts. The rest, even the sloppy guitar strums is from my hands. A0d of the Subversive elements helped a bit with compression and harmonic excitation. As my Swedish is a bit rusty (read: nonexistent) I had no clue what the ladies were singing about. So as I tried to make it into a happy little tune I hoped that they weren't singing about death, destruction, the end of humankind or general apocalyptic gloom. I mean, I knew they were singing about gems and gold, but then again that's what the movie "Blood Diamond" is about too. It was a fun project to do and quite different from my usual C64 remix making. Is it time for the greetings already? Here we go... Greetings to: Jackles, A0d, BST, Ziphoid, Makke, Slaygon, Boz, Morpheus, Tjeutjeu, Gulrak, Doris, TheLex, TheSie, Ranzbak, TheJinx, Ffrenzy, Blok, Leoni, Larsec, Reyn, Moog, Dafunk, Dimmignat, Jammer, Romeo Knight and Neelie Smit Kroes Anti-Greetings go to: BUMA, STEMRA, BREIN, BAF, SENA and to all the political parties in the world that still refer to the Internetz as the Digital Highway."

Last Queued : 2 weeks, 6 days ago

This song has been played 104 times. [See Request History]
It was added 13 years, 10 months ago.

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Song Rating

Song Rating: 4.1 - Votes Placed: 8 View Voting History
A total of 2 users have this song on their favourites list.

Compilation / Remix Information

This Song Is Listed In The Following Compilations:

Compilation The Sound Of SceneSat, Vol. 2


The Sound of SceneSat Volume 2
The Sound of SceneSat Volume 2
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