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Console » Nintendo 64 (N64)Tetrisphere - Flim Flam Have video by flag Neil D. Voss
Requested By: flag djrandom
Production Labels: LabelH2O Entertainment LabelNintendo

Time Left: 3:17

Rating: 4.42 (12 Votes)

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Image For ' Shadow of the Colossus:Roar of the Earth'

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Current Status: Active
Last Updated: 2 Oct. 2012
Added By: flagGoatfather
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Image Description

Soundtrack to the Playstation 2 game under the same title.

Shadow of the Colossus: Roar of the Earth, a soundtrack album containing music from the game, was released in Japan on December 7, 2005. There are currently no announced plans to release the album in other territories. The game's score was composed by Kow Otani, whose previous video game work included the soundtracks to the PlayStation 2 flight simulator Sky Odyssey and the PlayStation shooter Philosoma. He has also worked on several of the 1990s-era Gamera films, as well as a variety of anime. Roar of the Earth won the award for "Soundtrack of the Year" in the US-based video game magazine Electronic Gaming Monthly.

Game plot by gf:
In the game player starts in a temple, then goes for a search of the colossus. Once found player fights mountain sized opponent by sticking his sword in the soft spots of the monster. Then colossus dies and black ribbons put player down. Our little dude goes to sleep and wakes up in the temple. Repeat until all colossi are dead (and/or player).

It's Japanese game so most of the time you have no idea what is going on, but the game is awesome.

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