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Computer » PC (Windows - streaming and other)Super Meat Boy! - Dr. Fetus' Castle (Ch 5 Dark World) by flag dB Soundworks (Danny Baranowsky)
Requested By: flag djrandom

Time Left: 3:02

Rating: 4.29 (7 Votes)

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This site is non-profit (though donations are welcome to help pay the hosting/bandwidth fees, click the Donate button to learn about how it works). All music served by this radio station is either in the public domain, freely available on the internet (as MP3, or other original music format) or is played on a 'fair use' basis.

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Request History

Song Artist Song Length Request Time Play Time Requested By
Console » PlayStation (PSX)Codename: Tenka - Tenkoid Have video flag CoLD SToRAGE (Tim Wright) 2:29 22:57 22:57 flag djrandom
Miscellaneous » Wild (unknown/unusual source)Egocosmos flag Paniq (Leonard Ritter) 6:29 22:50 22:50 flag djrandom
OST » Official Soundtrack (CD / Digital)Halo 4 - Faithless flag Neil Davidge 5:06 22:45 22:45 flag djrandom
Computer » PC (custom)Xenon 2: Megablast - Xenon 2 (daXX step 2 dub Remix) flag DaXX (Chris Crusher) 4:06 22:41 22:41 flag djrandom
Computer » Amiga (500 / 600 / 1200 / 2000 / 3000 / 4000)Justro flag DJ Uno (José Antonio Arrain) 2:33 22:38 22:38 flag djrandom
Computer » Amiga (500 / 600 / 1200 / 2000 / 3000 / 4000)Airline - Title Track flag Dr. Awesome (Bjørn Arild Lynne) 2:06 22:36 22:36 flag djrandom
Miscellaneous » NewschoolChoose Zero Polys and Shaders (Radio Edit) flag Little Bitchard (Arto Koivisto) 3:32 22:31 22:32 flag djrandom
OST » Official Soundtrack (CD / Digital)Heavy Rain - Painful Memories flag Normand CorbeilDeceased 1:32 22:29 22:29 flag djrandom
Computer » Atari ST (Sixteen/Thirty-two)Goldfish flag Maktone (Martin Nordell) 4:26 22:25 22:25 flag djrandom
Computer » ZX Spectrum (AY)Rave On! flag Blind (Mihail Malyshev) 3:00 22:22 22:22 flag djrandom
Computer » Amiga (500 / 600 / 1200 / 2000 / 3000 / 4000)IT F1 flag Walkman (Tor Bernhard Gausen) 3:14 22:18 22:18 flag djrandom
Console » PlayStation 2 (PS2)Namco x Capcom - Darkstalkers - MORRIGAN Stage (Scotland) flag Yuzo Koshiro (古代 祐三) 1:32 22:17 22:17 flag djrandom
OST » Official Soundtrack (CD / Digital)After... (BGM Collection) - The Town of Dusk flag Tilde 1:16 22:15 22:15 flag djrandom
Utility » RenoiseDarken Moon flag Guru Leo Grand (Leo Wilhelm Lindroos) 3:07 22:12 22:12 flag djrandom
Computer » Amiga (500 / 600 / 1200 / 2000 / 3000 / 4000)Turrican - Level 5-1 flag Chris Hülsbeck 2:02 22:10 22:10 flag djrandom
Console » Mega Drive / GenesisAlien Soldier - Perfect Thing flag Norio Hanzawa (半沢 紀夫) 1:23 22:08 22:08 flag djrandom
Computer » Atari ST (Sixteen/Thirty-two)Atomino - Track 4 flag Mad Max (Jochen Hippel) 1:32 22:06 22:06 flag djrandom
Computer » Atari ST (Sixteen/Thirty-two)Star Ray - Title Have video flag David Whittaker 2:24 22:04 22:04 flag djrandom
OST » Arranged Soundtrack (Official / Commercial)Immortal 2 - Z-Out - Level One flag Rudi (Rudolf Stember) 4:22 21:59 21:59 flag djrandom
Miscellaneous » Wild (unknown/unusual source)Vauxhall and Eye, and I - Transmission (Joy Division cover) flag Nestrogen (Michael Raisner) 3:16 21:56 21:56 flag djrandom