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OST » Official Soundtrack (CD / Digital)Final Fantasy VIII - Never Look Back Have video by flag Nobuo Uematsu (植松 伸夫)
Requested By: flag djrandom
Production Labels: LabelSony Computer Entertainment LabelSquare Co.

Time Left: 3:23

Rating: 4.33 (3 Votes)

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Label / Production Information For Frog City Software

Frog City Software
(Founded On: 1 Jan. 1995 )
Shutdown Date: 1 Jan. 2006
Links: [Wiki]


Last Updated: 10 Nov. 2013
Added By: flagvanward

Frog City Software was a video game developer which focused on strategy games, opened in 1995. Frog City Software was a subsidiary of Take-Two Interactive until they closed it in 2006.

The company was founded by the brothers Bill Spieth and Ted Spieth and by Rachel Bernstein.

In 2004 Frog City was bought by Gathering, which was itself bought by Take 2 Interactive in 2005.

Frog City was shut down in 2006; it was the fourth game development studio to be shut down by Take-Two Interactive during that year. In April of that year, veterans of Frog City including the founders Ted Spieth, Bill Spieth and Rachel Bernstein started a new game development studio called Sidecar Studios.

In 2007 Bernstein joined Electronic Arts as a Senior Producer.

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