Sony Computer Entertainment
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Last Updated:
2 Oct. 2012
Added By: Stefan_L
Associated Artists:
Alan Steinberger
Azam Ali (اعظم علی)
Dennis Martin
Elsa Raven
Greg Edmonson
Henryk Iwan
James Dooley
JD Mayer (Jonathan Mayer)
Kaori Asoh (麻生 かほ里)
Kazuhiko Toyama (外山 和彦)
Machiko Watanabe (渡辺 真知子)
Martin Tillman
Masaya Matsuura (松浦 雅也)
Mel Wesson
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Rod Abernethy
Takeo Miratsu (見良 津健雄)
The Fat Man (George Alistair Sanger)
Working for a Nuclear Free City
Associated Songs:
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 別れ・絆・旅立ち (Parting, Bonds, Departure) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 刹那(いま)を越えて (Overcoming This Moment) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 原初(はじまり)の終焉(おわり) (The End of the Beginning) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 君に立ちはだかる壁 (The Barriers Blocking Your Way) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 君の壁を越えられるのは、君だけ (Only You Can Cross Your Own Barriers) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 吹きつける死の旋風 (Whirlwind Blowing Against Death) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 夕映えを背に歩き出そう (Walking into the Heart of the Sunset's Light) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 夕暮れから夜明けまで (From Dusk Till Dawn) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 夜空しか知らない (Only the Night Sky Knows (Whistle Version)) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 夢で逢えたら (If We Met in My Dreams) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 嵐の中、はばたいて (Flying in the Midst of the Storm) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 広がる闇、更なる闇 (Vast Darkness, Further Darkness) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 引けない銃爪 (Unpullable Trigger) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 往きて、また還る (Leave Then Return) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 心臓に流れる折れた針 (Broken Needle Flowing in the Heart) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 悪党たちの挽歌 (Elegy for the Villains) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 掌からこぼれおちて (Spilling from the Palms) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 日常という名の風景 (The Scenery Called Everyday) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 昔語りの夜 (A Night of Old Tales) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 星と命の間の宴 (A Party Between Stars and Life) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 星の海へと馳せた夢 (Dreams Rode to the Sea of Stars) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 染み入る恐怖 (Soaked Through with Fear) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 死よりなお昏き翼をひろげて (Spreading the Wings Darker than Death) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 死線 (Between Life and Death) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 泥濘に生まれる息吹 (A Breath Born of Mud) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 渡り鳥無頼 (Migratory Bird-Scoundrels) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 獰悪なる爪も牙も (Brutal Fangs and Claws) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 癒される傷痕 (Healing the Scars) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 監視者の目 (Eyes of the Guardian) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 砂塵、逆巻いて (Sand Clouds, Surging Away) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 破戒樹の落とす影 (A Shadow Cast by the Fallen Tree) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 終焉(おわり)の原初(はじまり) (The Beginning of the End) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 罪に黒く、血に赤く (Black as Sin, Red as Blood) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 翼より、もっと高く (Higher Than Can Be Carried by Wings) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 翼絡め取る錆びた鎖 (Wings Ensnared with Rusted Chains) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 舞台はミスキャストでいっぱい (The Stage Is Full of Miscasts) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 荒野の果てへ (To the End of the Wilderness (WA3 Version)) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 蒼穹に閃く刃 (Lightning Blade in the Blue Sky) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 血も涙も、荒野(ここ)で乾いてゆけ (Blood and Tears, Drying Up (Here) in the Wasteland) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 覚めない悪夢などは無く、この現実は終わらせない (There Are No Inescapable Nightmares, This Reality Won't End) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 過去と未来の狭間でできること (What Can Be Done Between Past and Future) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 遠い日の安息 (Distant Days of Rest) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 遺された想い出の跡 (Remains of Leftover Memories) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 銃装騎兵 (Gun-Equipped Cavalry) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 闇に誘う闇の入り口 (Entrance of the Beckoning Darkness) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 闇に迷って、闇に失う (Lost in the Darkness, Lost to the Darkness) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 駆けてゆこう、ここより向こうに (Let's Run, Further Beyond) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)