Sony Computer Entertainment
Links: [Website]
Last Updated:
2 Oct. 2012
Added By: Stefan_L
Associated Artists:
Alan Steinberger
Azam Ali (اعظم علی)
Dennis Martin
Elsa Raven
Greg Edmonson
Henryk Iwan
James Dooley
JD Mayer (Jonathan Mayer)
Kaori Asoh (麻生 かほ里)
Kazuhiko Toyama (外山 和彦)
Machiko Watanabe (渡辺 真知子)
Martin Tillman
Masaya Matsuura (松浦 雅也)
Mel Wesson
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Rod Abernethy
Takeo Miratsu (見良 津健雄)
The Fat Man (George Alistair Sanger)
Working for a Nuclear Free City
Associated Songs:
Wild Arms - 修道院 [Abbey] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 冷たい闇 [Cold Darkness (Dungeon)] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 劫火を背にして [Standing Against the Flames] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 勇気 [Courage (Dungeon)] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 古代文明博覧会 [Ancient Civilization Exhibition] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 哀しみ断ち切って [A Sorrowful Separation] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 天を突く魔塔 [The Demon Tower that Pierces the Heavens] by
Kazuhiko Toyama (外山 和彦)
Wild Arms - 姫巫女の想い [Feelings of the Sorceress Princess] by
Kazuhiko Toyama (外山 和彦)
Wild Arms - 子供だなんて思ったらお嬢様! [Not Just Any Kid, But a Lady! (Jane's Theme)] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 孤高の世界 [Isolated World] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 宿屋 [Inn] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 崩壊 [Collapse] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 巫女よ... [Oh, Abbey Maiden...] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 希望 [Hope] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 帰路 [The Way Back] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 強襲の切先 [The Tip of an Assault] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 影狼のバラード [Ballad of the Shadow Wolf] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 後退 [Retreat] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 悲鳴を上げる世界 [Screaming World] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 慟哭と約束 [Lamentation and a Promise (Prologue 2)] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 戦士の口笛 [Warrior's Whistle (Boomerang's Theme)] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 戦鬼 [Battle Demon] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 排他の兆し [Omen of Ostracism] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 探し物は長閑な海辺に [What You're Looking For Is on the Calm Beach] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 敗退 [Defeated] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 新しい月 マルドゥーク [A New Moon: Malduke] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 旅は道連 [The Journey Is Your Companions] by
Kazuhiko Toyama (外山 和彦)
Wild Arms - 旅立ちの朝 [Morning of the Journey] by
Kazuhiko Toyama (外山 和彦)
Wild Arms - 星の海へ [To the Sea of Stars] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 暗黒の聖母 [Holy Mother of Darkness] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 海上の偽装結婚式 [False Wedding on the Sea] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 渡り鳥が集う水辺 [Marsh Where the Migrant Birds Gather] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 滅びの讃 [Eulogy of Ruin] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 灰燼に [Return to Ashes] by
Kazuhiko Toyama (外山 和彦)
Wild Arms - 炎の城 [Castle of Flames (Prologue 1)] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 破壊と喧噪のあとに [After the Chaos and Destruction] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 破滅への煽動 [Agitation to Destruction] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 禁忌の語り部 [Taboo Storyteller] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 空が、割れる [The Sky, Torn Apart] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 空を駆る鳥 [The Bird Which Flies in the Sky (Emma's Theme)] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 突然 [Suddenly] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 緊張の一瞬 [A Moment of Tension (Lady Harken's Theme)] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 罠に堕ちて [Fallen into a Trap] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 胸の奥に刻まれた傷 [A Wound Carved Upon the Heart] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 荒波を越えて [Crossing Over the Raging Waves (Bartholomew's Theme)] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 荒野の果てへ [To the End of the Wilderness] by
Kazuhiko Toyama (外山 和彦)
Wild Arms - 荒野の果てへ 新たなる旅路へ [To the End of the Wilderness: To a New Journey] by
Kazuhiko Toyama (外山 和彦)
Wild Arms - 荒野の渡り鳥 [Migrant Bird of Wilderness (Rudy's Theme)] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 葬列 [Funeral Procession] by
Kazuhiko Toyama (外山 和彦)
Wild Arms - 街 [Town] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 走れ亜精霊 [Running Spirit] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 迷いの路 [Way of Illusion] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 逃げる場合 [An Escapable Situation] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 闇にうごめくもの [Things That Crawl in the Dark] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms - 青空に誓って [Oath to the Blue Sky] by
Machiko Watanabe (渡辺 真知子)
Takeo Miratsu (見良 津健雄)
Wild Arms - 驚愕 [Shock] by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - Advanced Third by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - Advanced Wind by
Kaori Asoh (麻生 かほ里)
Kou Otani (大谷 幸)
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - Advanced Wind (2nd Version) by
Kaori Asoh (麻生 かほ里)
Kou Otani (大谷 幸)
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - Advanced Wind (English Version) by
Kaori Asoh (麻生 かほ里)
Kou Otani (大谷 幸)
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - Advanced Wind (Whistle Version) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - Are ga Uwasa no...!? by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - Bad Guys & Bad Land by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - Blue Destiny by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - Condition Green! by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - Crossfire Sequence by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - Fate Breaker by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - From Beyond by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - Gunmetal Action by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - Have You Told Your Beloved "Sayonara"? by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - Hito no Nukumori by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - Living, Loving, and Fighting by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - Omen by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - Overture by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - Puzzle Maniac 2002 by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - Ready! Lady Gunner!! by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - Samishisa ni Makesou na Kimi by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - Succubus Princess by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - The Lance of Palerider by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - Watashitachi no Omoide ga Hajimaru by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - Wild Bunch by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - Wings by
Kaori Asoh (麻生 かほ里)
Kou Otani (大谷 幸)
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - Yozora Shika Shiranai by
Kaori Asoh (麻生 かほ里)
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - Yozora Shika Shiranai (2nd Version) by
Kaori Asoh (麻生 かほ里)
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - Yozora Shika Shiranai (English Version) by
Kaori Asoh (麻生 かほ里)
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - …そこは、光届かぬ深淵 (...A Lightless Abyss Is There) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - あまねく、滅(ひかり)あれ (Let There Be Ruining Light, Far and Wide) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - うつむけば絶望、見上げれば希望 (Tails for Despair, Heads for Hope) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - この胸と、世界に響く鼓動 (Heartbeat Resounding in This Chest and in This World) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - この重さは命の重さ、この意味は生きる意味 (This Weight Is the Weight of Life, This Meaning Is the Meaning of Life) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - すべての想い出にいちばんの笑顔を (The Greatest Smiles in Memory) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - そして、鎖断つ力に気づく時 (Then, When You Find the Strength to Break These Chains) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - その名も、シュレディンガー一家 (Their Name Is Schrodinger Family) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - まだ、引き返せる闇 (Still, Repeating Darkness) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - わたしに生きて、いつまでも (Live with Me Forever) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - カミの言葉を預かりし者 (Ones Who Hold the Word of God) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 不安から焦燥へ (From Anxiety to Impatience) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 今日が終わり、そして… (Today Ends, Then...) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 伸ばした手で掴み取るモノ (That Which One Aspires to and Seizes) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd - 冷たく眠る (Cold Sleep) by
Michiko Naruke (なるけ みちこ)