Blizzard Entertainment
(Founded On:
1 Feb. 1991
Links: [Website]
Last Updated:
2 Oct. 2012
Added By: Renderwahn
Associated Artists:
Bill Roper
Chris Palmer
Cris Velasco
Glenn Stafford
Matt Uelmen
Michael Morhaime
Neal Acree
Rick Jackson
Russell Brower
Sascha Dikiciyan
Tracy W. Bush
Associated Songs:
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos - Arrival at Kalimdor (Nightelve) by
Tracy W. Bush
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos - Awakening (Nightelve) by
Tracy W. Bush
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos - Blackrock & Roll (Human) by
Glenn Stafford
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos - Blight (Undead) by
Derek Duke
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos - Carrion Waves (Undead) by
Derek Duke
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos - Doomhammer's Legacy (Orc) by
Tracy W. Bush
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos - Lordaeron Fall (Human) by
Glenn Stafford
Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne - Dark Covenant (Human) by
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Tracy W. Bush
Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne - Dreadlords Plight by
Glenn Stafford
WarCraft: Orcs & Humans - Briefing
Glenn Stafford
WarCraft: Orcs & Humans - Human Lose
Glenn Stafford
WarCraft: Orcs & Humans - Human Theme 1
Glenn Stafford
Rick Jackson
WarCraft: Orcs & Humans - Human Theme 2 by
Glenn Stafford
Rick Jackson
WarCraft: Orcs & Humans - Human Theme 3
Glenn Stafford
Rick Jackson
WarCraft: Orcs & Humans - Human Win 1
Glenn Stafford
WarCraft: Orcs & Humans - Human Win 2
Glenn Stafford
WarCraft: Orcs & Humans - Intro
Glenn Stafford
Rick Jackson
WarCraft: Orcs & Humans - Main Menu
Glenn Stafford
Rick Jackson
WarCraft: Orcs & Humans - Orc Lose
Chris Palmer
Glenn Stafford
Gregory Alper
Rick Jackson
WarCraft: Orcs & Humans - Orc Theme 1
Glenn Stafford
WarCraft: Orcs & Humans - Orc Theme 2
Glenn Stafford
WarCraft: Orcs & Humans - Orc Theme 3
Glenn Stafford
WarCraft: Orcs & Humans - Orc Win 1
Glenn Stafford
WarCraft: Orcs & Humans - Orc Win 2
Glenn Stafford
World of WarCraft - A Call to Arms by
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Jason Hayes
Tracy W. Bush
World of Warcraft - A Call to Arms by
Jason Hayes
World of Warcraft - Burning Steppes by
Jason Hayes
World of WarCraft - Burning Steppes
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Jason Hayes
Tracy W. Bush
World of WarCraft - Darnassus
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Jason Hayes
Tracy W. Bush
World of Warcraft - Darnassus by
Jason Hayes
World of Warcraft - Dun Morogh by
Jason Hayes
World of WarCraft - Dun Morogh
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Jason Hayes
Tracy W. Bush
World of Warcraft - Duskwood by
Jason Hayes
World of WarCraft - Duskwood
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Jason Hayes
Tracy W. Bush
World of Warcraft - Echoes of the Past by
Jason Hayes
World of Warcraft - Elwynn Forest by
Jason Hayes
World of WarCraft - Elwynn Forest
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Jason Hayes
Tracy W. Bush
World of WarCraft - Exclusive Track: Echoes of the Past by
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Jason Hayes
Tracy W. Bush
World of WarCraft - Exclusive Track: Legacy by
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Jason Hayes
Tracy W. Bush
World of WarCraft - Exclusive Track: Song of Elune by
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Jason Hayes
Tracy W. Bush
World of WarCraft - Exclusive Track: The Shaping of the World by
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Jason Hayes
Tracy W. Bush
World of Warcraft - Felwood by
Jason Hayes
World of WarCraft - Felwood
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Jason Hayes
Tracy W. Bush
World of WarCraft - Graveyard by
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Jason Hayes
Tracy W. Bush
World of Warcraft - Graveyard by
Jason Hayes
World of WarCraft - Ironforge
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Jason Hayes
Tracy W. Bush
World of Warcraft - Ironforge by
Jason Hayes
World of Warcraft - Legacy by
Jason Hayes
World of Warcraft - Legends of Azeroth by
Jason Hayes
World of WarCraft - Legends of Azeroth by
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Jason Hayes
Tracy W. Bush
World of Warcraft - Lurking by
Jason Hayes
World of WarCraft - Lurking by
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Jason Hayes
Tracy W. Bush
World of Warcraft - Moonfall by
Jason Hayes
World of WarCraft - Moonfall by
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Jason Hayes
Tracy W. Bush
World of Warcraft - Orgrimmar by
Jason Hayes
World of WarCraft - Orgrimmar
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Jason Hayes
Tracy W. Bush
World of Warcraft - Ruins by
Jason Hayes
World of WarCraft - Ruins by
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Jason Hayes
Tracy W. Bush
World of WarCraft - Sacred by
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Jason Hayes
Tracy W. Bush
World of Warcraft - Sacred by
Jason Hayes
World of Warcraft - Seasons of War by
Jason Hayes
World of WarCraft - Seasons of War (Intro)
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Jason Hayes
Tracy W. Bush
World of WarCraft - Shimmering Flats by
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Jason Hayes
Tracy W. Bush
World of Warcraft - shimmering Flats by
Jason Hayes
World of Warcraft - Sindragosa
Derek Duke
World of Warcraft - Song of Elune by
Jason Hayes
World of WarCraft - Stormwind
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Jason Hayes
Tracy W. Bush
World of Warcraft - Stormwind by
Jason Hayes
World of WarCraft - Stranglethorn Vale
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Jason Hayes
Tracy W. Bush
World of Warcraft - Stranglethorn Vale by
Jason Hayes
World of WarCraft - Tanaris by
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Jason Hayes
Tracy W. Bush
World of Warcraft - Tanaris by
Jason Hayes
World of WarCraft - Tavern by
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Jason Hayes
Tracy W. Bush
World of Warcraft - Tavern by
Jason Hayes
World of WarCraft - Teldrassil by
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Jason Hayes
Tracy W. Bush
World of Warcraft - Teldrassil by
Jason Hayes
World of WarCraft - Temple by
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Jason Hayes
Tracy W. Bush
World of Warcraft - Temple by
Jason Hayes
World of Warcraft - The Shaping of the World by
Jason Hayes
World of WarCraft - The Undercity
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Jason Hayes
Tracy W. Bush
World of WarCraft - Thunder Bluff
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Jason Hayes
Tracy W. Bush
World of Warcraft - Thuner Bluff by
Jason Hayes
World of Warcraft - Undercity by
Jason Hayes
World of Warcraft - War by
Jason Hayes
World of WarCraft - War by
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Jason Hayes
Tracy W. Bush
World of Warcraft TBC - Lament of the Highborne by
Russell Brower
World of Warcraft TBC - The Burning Legion by
Russell Brower
World of Warcraft TBC - The Sin'Dorei by
Russell Brower
World of Warcraft WotLK - Wrath of the Lich King by
Russell Brower
World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria - Main Theme
Derek Duke
World of WarCraft: Taverns of Azeroth - Bad Juju Bar & Grill by
David Arkenstone
World of WarCraft: Taverns of Azeroth - Bloodsail by
David Arkenstone
World of WarCraft: Taverns of Azeroth - Deepwater by
David Arkenstone
World of WarCraft: Taverns of Azeroth - Elders' Hearth by
David Arkenstone
World of WarCraft: Taverns of Azeroth - Gallow's End by
David Arkenstone
World of WarCraft: Taverns of Azeroth - Grunts' Place by
David Arkenstone
World of WarCraft: Taverns of Azeroth - Hunters' Refuge by
David Arkenstone
World of WarCraft: Taverns of Azeroth - Lion's Pride by
David Arkenstone
Jason Hayes
World of WarCraft: Taverns of Azeroth - Pig and Whistle by
David Arkenstone
World of WarCraft: Taverns of Azeroth - Salty Sailor by
David Arkenstone