This site is non-profit (though donations are welcome to help pay the hosting/bandwidth fees, click the Donate button to learn about how it works). All music served by this radio station is either in the public domain, freely available on the internet (as MP3, or other original music format) or is played on a 'fair use' basis.
If you find a song that isn't in the public domain, or you wrote a piece of music that you would like removed from the site, please contact one of our team members who will be happy to help. Enjoy the music!
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Label / Production Information For Sierra on-line
Sierra on-line
Last Updated:
31 May 2013
Added By: franz_opa
Sierra Entertainment, Inc.[1] (formerly Sierra On-Line) was an American video game developer and publisher founded in 1979 as On-Line Systems by Ken and Roberta Williams. Based in Los Angeles, California, the company was last owned by Activision, a subsidiary of Activision Blizzard.