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Utility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)Ephemeral Wanderer by flag C. C. Catch (Kenny Chow)
Requested By: flag epso
In Albums: Compilation Return to Stage 9

Time Left: 5:38

Return To Stage 9 Screenshot
Rating: 4.47 (17 Votes)

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Group Information For Information Society

Information Society
(Founded On: 1 Jan. 1982 )
Visit Group's Website
Last Updated: 20 Dec. 2012
Added By: flag vanward

Information Society (also known as InSoc and InfoSo) is a U.S. band originally from Minneapolis, Minnesota, primarily consisting of Kurt Larson (aka Kurt Valaquen/Kurt Harland), Paul Robb, and James Cassidy; the latter two reconvened the band in 2006, initially with Christopher Anton as lead vocalist, then with Harland rejoining them as lead vocalist in 2007. Their breakout hit was 1988’s „What’s on Your Mind (Pure Energy)“, a dance/ synthpop hit which included a sample of Mr. Spock (Leonard Nimoy) from Star Trek, saying „pure energy,“ and opened with a sample of Dr.

Active Group Members:
flag Jim Cassidy, Jim Kazmeyer (James Cassidy)
flag Kurt Harland
User Paul Robb

Active Group Songs:
Console » DreamcastLegacy of Kain: Soul Reaver - Ozar Midrashim (Intro) Have video by flag Jim Cassidy, Jim Kazmeyer (James Cassidy) , flag Kurt Harland , User Paul Robb l Locked