Kosmic Free Music Foundation [KFMF]
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Last Updated:
2 Oct. 2012
Added By:
Active Group Members:
Aahz (David Fitches)
Andromeda (Morgan Norrestam)
Balrog (Andreas Dagnell)
Basehead (Dan Gardopée)
Leviathan (US) (Andrew Carlson)
Maelcum (Dan Nicholson)
Mellow-D (Jaakko Manninen)
Screamager (Mehran Khalili)
Siren (Alexander Brandon)
theHacker (Krisjanis P. Gale)
Wayfinder (Sebastian Grillmaier)
Zipp (Jacob Herbst)
Active Group Songs:
After Sunset by
Chuck Biscuits (Andrew Fort)
All Hallows Eve by
Siren (Alexander Brandon)
Anxiety by
Hunz (Johannes Van Vliet)
Norfair (Carl Aborg)
Chiba City Lights 96 by
Chuck Biscuits (Andrew Fort)
Cosmotic by
Maelcum (Dan Nicholson)
Destruction by
Norfair (Carl Aborg)
Dreamstate by
Chuck Biscuits (Andrew Fort)
Drift by
theHacker (Krisjanis P. Gale)
Drift (Darkside Remix) by
theHacker (Krisjanis P. Gale)
Drop The Bass Knob by
Chuck Biscuits (Andrew Fort)
Everlasting War by
Andromeda (Morgan Norrestam)
Fieldtrip by
Chuck Biscuits (Andrew Fort)
Human Analogue by
Chuck Biscuits (Andrew Fort)
King of Nowhere by
Andromeda (Morgan Norrestam)
Longing by
Chuck Biscuits (Andrew Fort)
Love Is an Ocean by
Wayfinder (Sebastian Grillmaier)
Manipulated by
Zipp (Jacob Herbst)
Mendelian Miscarriage by
Chuck Biscuits (Andrew Fort)
Merciful Lie by
Siren (Alexander Brandon)
Mister Invisible by
Screamager (Mehran Khalili)
More Than Meets The Mind by
Chuck Biscuits (Andrew Fort)
My Place In Space by
Chuck Biscuits (Andrew Fort)
Object 32 by
Maelcum (Dan Nicholson)
Outlands by
Chuck Biscuits (Andrew Fort)
Relation Theory by
Chuck Biscuits (Andrew Fort)
Silver Acid Box by
Chuck Biscuits (Andrew Fort)
Subterranean by
Chuck Biscuits (Andrew Fort)
Sundae Parfait by
Chuck Biscuits (Andrew Fort)
Tears Never Dry by
Andromeda (Morgan Norrestam)
The Blue Hippo by
Siren (Alexander Brandon)
The Journey by
Wayfinder (Sebastian Grillmaier)
The Ship Has Landed by
Wayfinder (Sebastian Grillmaier)
Warped & Wobbly by
Chuck Biscuits (Andrew Fort)
Worldwide Slack by
Chuck Biscuits (Andrew Fort)