Area 88 SNES Screenshot
Compilation Summary:
Name: Capcom Music Generation Area 88 Original Soundtrack
Release Date:
30 Sept. 2006
Running Time: 45:24
Num. Disks: 1
Media Type: CD
Additional Info: Details Page
Added On:
11 July 2014
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Compilation Details For Capcom Music Generation Area 88 Original Soundtrack:
Tracks 1-27 are from the arcade version (27 is arranged), 28-49 from the SNES version.
The SNES soundtrack is mostly arrangements of the arcade soundtrack. Here are the correspondences (since similarly named tracks are NOT always the same):
30 - Player Selection / Strategy ==> 02 - PLAYER Selection 31 - Shop ==> 03 - SHOP 32 - Front Line Base ==> 04 - Oil Field Base ~ ROUND 1 33 - BOSS ==> 05 - Land War ~ BOSS 1 34 - Mission Clear ==> 06 - ROUND CLEAR 35 - Forest Stronghold ==> 09 - Forest Stronghold ~ ROUND 3 36 - Forest Stronghold BOSS ==> 19 - Battleship ~ BOSS 5 37 - Above Ground Aircraft Carrier / Cave ==> 11 - Desert ~ ROUND 4 38 - Battleship Minsk ==> 13 - Canyon ~ ROUND 5 40 - Aviation Division BOSS / Project 4 Stronghold BOSS ==> 08 - Dogfight ~ BOSS 2 42 - Nuclear Submarine Seavet ==> 10 - Stronghold ~ BOSS 3 44 - Project 4 Stronghold ==> 16 - Cave ~ ROUND 6 45 - Last BOSS ==> 12 - Above Ground Aircraft Carrier ~ BOSS 4 46 - Mission Complete ==> 23 - LAST ROUND CLEAR 47 - Ending / Staff Roll ==> 24 - ENDING & STAFF ROLL 48 - THANK YOU FOR YOUR PLAYING!! (YOU ARE CRAZY) ==> 25 - LAST RANKING 49 - Game Over ==> 20 - GAME OVER
Composer Credits ------------------- Composition: Manami Matsumae (1-8, 10-27, 30-34, 36-38, 40, 42, 44-49), Takashi Tateishi (9, 35), Mari Yamaguchi (39, 41, 43) Arrangement: Manami Matsumae (27), Mari Yamaguchi (30-38, 40, 42, 44-49)
The composer(s) of tracks 28 and 29 are unknown.
Compilation Artists:
Manami Matsumae
Songs In This Production (27 Total) :
Area 88 - Credit by
Manami Matsumae
Area 88 - Player Select by
Manami Matsumae
Area 88 - Shop by
Manami Matsumae
Area 88 - Oil Field Base (Round 1) by
Manami Matsumae
Area 88 - Land Battle (Boss 1) by
Manami Matsumae
Area 88 - Round Clear by
Manami Matsumae
Area 88 - Thunder Cloud (Round 2) by
Manami Matsumae
Area 88 - Sky Battle (Boss 2) by
Manami Matsumae
Area 88 - Forest Fortress (Round 3) by
Manami Matsumae
Area 88 - Fortress (Boss 3) by
Manami Matsumae
Area 88 - Desert (Round 4) by
Manami Matsumae
Area 88 - Ground Carrier (Boss 4) by
Manami Matsumae
Area 88 - Canyon (Round 5) by
Manami Matsumae
Area 88 - Emergency by
Manami Matsumae
Area 88 - Special Round by
Manami Matsumae
Area 88 - Cave (Round 6) by
Manami Matsumae
Area 88 - Rising (Round 7) by
Manami Matsumae
Area 88 - Maritime (Round 8) by
Manami Matsumae
Area 88 - Battleship (Boss 5) by
Manami Matsumae
Area 88 - Game Over by
Manami Matsumae
Area 88 - Arsenal (Round 9) by
Manami Matsumae
Area 88 - Last Battle (Round 10) by
Manami Matsumae
Area 88 - Last Round Clear by
Manami Matsumae
Area 88 - Ending & Staff Roll by
Manami Matsumae
Area 88 - Last Ranking by
Manami Matsumae
Area 88 - Unused Tune by
Manami Matsumae
Area 88 - Thunder Cloud (Arrange Version) by
Manami Matsumae