Gunstar Heroes
Compilation Summary:
Name: Gunstar Heroes
Label: Treasure Co. Ltd.
Release Date:
9 Sept. 1993
Num. Disks: 1
Video Clip: Video Link
Media Type: CD
Added On:
14 Feb. 2010
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Compilation Details For Gunstar Heroes:
Gunstar Heroes is a run and gun video game developed by Treasure and published by Sega.
Gunstar Heroes is a side scrolling shooter. The player has four weapons to choose from, and they can be combined in various pairs to create a total of 14 unique weapons. In addition to the weapons, the player can engage enemies in close quarters combat. It is possible to grab and toss enemies, perform sliding and jumping attacks and a long-range skid.
Unlike most games in the genre, the player has a life total calculated in numbers. Therefore, death to a player requires multiple hits but just one death will issue the option to continue or to end the game. The main highlight of the game are its boss encounters, which often feature large enemies made up of multiple sprites allowing for fluid movement.
The original game was released at the same time as the soundtrack, and also contained music from the Gameboy Advance version of the game (Gunstar Super Heroes).
On February 23, 2006, Gunstar Heroes was released as part of the Gunstar Heroes: Treasure Box Collection for the PlayStation 2. It is also available on the Nintendo Wii's Virtual Console and in 2009 it was released on June 10th for Xbox Live Arcade and June 11th for PlayStation Network.
Compilation Artists:
Motoaki Furukawa
Norio Hanzawa (半沢 紀夫)
Songs In This Production (23 Total) :
Gunstar Heroes - Stage 3 (Stage 3 BGM) by
Norio Hanzawa (半沢 紀夫)
Gunstar Heroes - Story Demo (Story Demo BGM) by
Norio Hanzawa (半沢 紀夫)
Gunstar Heroes - Stage Select (Stage Select BGM) by
Norio Hanzawa (半沢 紀夫)
Gunstar Heroes - Stage 7 (Stage 7 Boss BGM) by
Norio Hanzawa (半沢 紀夫)
Gunstar Heroes - Stage 7 (Stage 7 BGM 2) by
Norio Hanzawa (半沢 紀夫)
Gunstar Heroes - Stage 7 (Stage 7 BGM 1) by
Norio Hanzawa (半沢 紀夫)
Gunstar Heroes - Stage 6 (Stage 6 BGM) by
Norio Hanzawa (半沢 紀夫)
Gunstar Heroes - Stage 5 (Stage 5 Boss BGM) by
Norio Hanzawa (半沢 紀夫)
Gunstar Heroes - Stage 5 (Stage 5 BGM) by
Norio Hanzawa (半沢 紀夫)
Gunstar Heroes - Stage 4 Boss (Stage 4 Boss BGM) by
Norio Hanzawa (半沢 紀夫)
Gunstar Heroes - Stage 4 (Stage 4 BGM) by
Norio Hanzawa (半沢 紀夫)
Gunstar Heroes - Stage 3 Boss (Stage 3 Boss BGM) by
Norio Hanzawa (半沢 紀夫)
Gunstar Heroes - Continue (Continue BGM) by
Norio Hanzawa (半沢 紀夫)
Gunstar Heroes - Stage 2 Boss (Stage 2 Boss BGM) by
Norio Hanzawa (半沢 紀夫)
Gunstar Heroes - Stage 2 (Stage 2 BGM) by
Norio Hanzawa (半沢 紀夫)
Gunstar Heroes - Stage 1 Boss (Stage 1 Boss BGM) by
Norio Hanzawa (半沢 紀夫)
Gunstar Heroes - Stage 1 (Stage 1 Middle Boss) by
Norio Hanzawa (半沢 紀夫)
Gunstar Heroes - Stage 1 (Stage 1 BGM) by
Norio Hanzawa (半沢 紀夫)
Gunstar Heroes - Staff (Staff Roll BGM) by
Norio Hanzawa (半沢 紀夫)
Gunstar Heroes - Option (Option Mode BGM) by
Norio Hanzawa (半沢 紀夫)
Gunstar Heroes - Opening (Opening Title BGM) by
Norio Hanzawa (半沢 紀夫)
Gunstar Heroes - Gunstar Heroes (Arrange Version) by
Motoaki Furukawa
Gunstar Heroes - Ending (Ending BGM) by
Norio Hanzawa (半沢 紀夫)