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Computer » Commodore 64/128Gabber Nation by flag Randy (Tomasz Szymczak)
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Time Left: 3:00

Rating: 3.70 (10 Votes)

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Compilation Compilation: Retrocovered


Compilation Summary:
Name: Retrocovered
Release Date: 25 July 2010
Additional Info: Details Page
Purchase Info: Purchase Info
Download Link: Download Info

Added On: 25 Jan. 2011
By: flag Falken

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Compilation Details For Retrocovered:

This is it! A collection of twelve nerd anthems... uh.... ROCKIN CHIPTUNES I MEAN.... for you to download, consume, and then go forth and conquer. Armed with this CD you will be prepared to take on the world, fire square-wave laser guns and all sorts of other cool stuff will happen*. This album will make the magnets in your speaker work and YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO KNOW HOW. But let's not talk about rainbows, those are for unicorns.

Listen. Enjoy. Share! And check out the "info" links for each track for a cute story behind that particular song. And now there are thirteen tracks for you to enjoy.

*The artist is not responsible for any stuff that does or does not happen.

released 25 July 2010
Arrangements (c) 2006-2010 Inverse Phase. Original songs are copyrighted by their respective artists.

1. NESformers (03:29)
2. Fami-Dance (02:42)
3. Song 6502 (01:56)
4. The NESsage from Dr. Light (04:04)
5. New Year's Data (05:32)
6. Propane NESmares (05:15)
7. (Just What I) 2A03'ded (03:41)
8. NEStroid Metal Theme (02:41)
9. Say it ain't sixty-FO (03:00)
10. NES Me An Angel (03:50)
11. C_Drive (03:47)
12. Duke NES'em 3D (02:41)
13. ImpermaNES (04:33)

Compilation Artists: flag Inverse Phase (Brendan Becker)

Songs In This Production (4 Total) :

Console » Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) / FamicomRetrocovered - ImpermaNES by flag Inverse Phase (Brendan Becker) Log in to queue
Console » Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) / FamicomRetrocovered - NES Me An Angel by flag Inverse Phase (Brendan Becker) Log in to queue
Console » Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) / FamicomRetrocovered - NESformers by flag Inverse Phase (Brendan Becker) Log in to queue
Computer » Commodore 64/128Retrocovered - Say it ain't sixty-FO by flag Inverse Phase (Brendan Becker) Log in to queue

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