The Grand Tour - Europe 2010
Compilation Summary:
Name: The Grand Tour - Europe 2010
Release Date:
17 Oct. 2010
Media Type: Mp3 & more
Additional Info: Details Page
Purchase Info: Purchase Info
Download Link: Download Info
Added On:
23 Oct. 2010
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Compilation Details For The Grand Tour - Europe 2010:
In 2010, Natty and Touchboy set out on their first excursion to Europe. Releasing this collection is an important part of that tour.Natty and Touchboy have both given away music for free in the past and will continue to do so in the future, but selling this collection will help them recoup some of the cost of a largely self-funded tour. The collection features over an hour and a half of brand new tracks, remixes, and live performances. If you've ever wanted to buy us each a beer – buy this instead. It's more value than getting us drunk, trust me.
Compilation Artists:
Natty (Nathaniel Adams)
Songs In This Production (14 Total) :
Closure-The Hurt Never Ends (Original by Disassembler) by
Natty (Nathaniel Adams)
Interstate8'08 by
Live In New York (part 1) by
Live In New York (part 2) by
Meriwether by
Natty (Nathaniel Adams)
Portrait of a Failure by
Natty (Nathaniel Adams)
Short Circuit Socialism (Natty's Electro-Solidarity Mix) by
Natty (Nathaniel Adams)
The Charge of the Light Speed Brigade (Knatty Feeds the Dread Loch) by
Natty (Nathaniel Adams)
The Charge of the Light Speed Brigade - 10x10x10 Mix by
Natty (Nathaniel Adams)
The Echo of an Axe by
Natty (Nathaniel Adams)
Torquemada (Game Boy Version) by
Natty (Nathaniel Adams)
Torquemada (Swine Version) by
Natty (Nathaniel Adams)
Waves (Extended Version) by
Natty (Nathaniel Adams)
Wobbly Shop by
Production Notes: All songs by Dave Stevers and Nathaniel Adams except Closure, originally by Will Collier Album art by James Harrup