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Computer » PC (Roland MT-32)Silpheed - Battle On Orbit by flag Mark Seibert
Requested By: flag djrandom
Production Labels: LabelSierra on-line

Time Left: 3:27

Rating: 5.00 (4 Votes)

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Compilation Compilation: Derecha


Compilation Summary:
Name: Derecha
Release Date: 1 July 2010
Media Type: mp3
Additional Info: Details Page
Download Link: Download Info

Added On: 15 Oct. 2010
By: flag Starpilot

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Compilation Details For Derecha:

It's surprising to me as someone who generally isn't that big on chip music that I'm on my third straight play through minusbaby's new album, Derecha. And even though I admittedly get fidgety and impatient on hearing more than one song at any given time in any given genre (chronic musical ADD), here I am humming along like an asshole, more forcefully with each repeated listen, ad-libbing riffs here and there while I finger-drum beats on my desktop like a white Candido, and quickly approaching my fourth return listen.

As an album, it's a mature progression from his previous EP, Left. And it's damn good. And I want to tell people about it, but what do I even say? It's chip music, but it doesn't sound like something from any video game I played when I was a kid. It's new music made with old-school mentality using a combination of sounds that could either be from 1985 or 2085. It's funky, it's danceable, it's composed, it's cerebral, it's performing a complicated samba throughout the Southern Hemisphere at times. It's all of these and yet it's none of these.

In a word, it's minusbaby.

Compilation Artists: flag Minusbaby (Richard Alexander Caraballo)

Songs In This Production (6 Total) :

Miscellaneous » Wild (unknown/unusual source)Derecha - Algzèbres, Pts. A-M by flag Minusbaby (Richard Alexander Caraballo) l Locked
Miscellaneous » Wild (unknown/unusual source)Derecha - Algzèbres, Pts. N-Z by flag Minusbaby (Richard Alexander Caraballo) l Locked
Miscellaneous » Wild (unknown/unusual source)Derecha - Fuiste Fuerte by flag Minusbaby (Richard Alexander Caraballo) Log in to queue
Miscellaneous » Wild (unknown/unusual source)Derecha - Números Inútiles by flag Minusbaby (Richard Alexander Caraballo) Log in to queue
Miscellaneous » Wild (unknown/unusual source)Derecha - Transmitiendo Señales Mezcladas by flag Minusbaby (Richard Alexander Caraballo) Log in to queue
Miscellaneous » Wild (unknown/unusual source)Derecha - Una Caja de los Ochentas by flag Minusbaby (Richard Alexander Caraballo) Log in to queue

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