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Computer » Commodore 64/128Final Synth Sample I - Track 1 by flag Rob Hubbard
Requested By: flag djrandom

Time Left: 2:37

Rating: 4.00 (5 Votes)

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Artist Info

Groups : GroupBrainstorm Groupmfx

Name : Ville Rastas
Location: flag Varkaus
Date Of Birth : 5 Oct. 1986

Additional Information:

Being brought up in a family deeply involved with music, Ville Rastas a.k.a "Glxblt" spent most of his childhood happily bashing both the keys of his piano and his computer. However, as the young musician/geek reached his puberty, things went horribly wrong. Despite the classical training and responsible parenting, Glxblt developed an interest for electronic music which later on evolved into full-blown love for techno and especially drum'n'bass. Finding like-minded people in a small Finnish city was practically impossible, but eventually it happened and Glxblt made the first contact within the neighbouring town's rave scene and coincidentally, the demoscene.

Since then the young junglist has honed his skills in producing and DJ'ing, focusing on the darkest, techiest newschool drum'n'bass you can find without forgetting about the rolling, danceable beats that define the genre.

Filling in the demand for harder, heavier drum'n'bass, Glxblt is a bundle of big things just waiting to happen.

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Last Updated: 2 Oct. 2012
Added By: flag FishGuy876

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Songs Connected To This Artist

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Computer » PC (custom)Gravelrash flag Glxblt (Ville Rastas) 3:40 Active 4.7 Log in to queue 2025-01-21
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