Name : Markus Norsted
Additional Information:
Author's note a mechanical engineer with a degree in technical illustration who has worked in the design business for over 25 years. Currently working as an Art Director at Claremont, helping clients in their everyday visual challenges. Before I started working as an employee, I ran my own design business – Blacktip – for almost seven years, and besides delivering UX- and visual design I learned a lot about managing projects, selling and negotiating contracts and also about the perks of being self employed (being able to skip work for a day of fishing for example). It now feels good to be part of a large team of professionals that together can do a lot more than a one-man-army can. Apart from my daily work (which I'm very interested in), I also find great satisfaction in the following areas: family (wife & two kids), music production, fishing, photography, gaming (the occasional CoD-match or perhaps a level in Kingdom Rush on the iPad), cross country skiing (nerd alert), speed reading whatever comes out of Tom Clancy & Co, carpenting & fixing what's needed on the house … aaand … there's probably more.
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Last Updated:
23 June 2018
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