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Handheld » Game BoyOHM by flag IAYD (Alex)
Requested By: flag djrandom

Time Left: 1:05

Rating: 1.67 (6 Votes)

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Artist Info

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Name : Timothy Wong
Location: flag Sunnyvale

Additional Information:

from website: "My name is Timmie Wong, but online I go by DDRKirby(ISQ)! I'm most well known for my music and games, but I have an assortment of other random hobbies as well, many of which are featured here on this site. I'm a programmer by trade (click here if you're looking for a resume/CV), but pretty much everything you see here on this site is independent work I've done just for fun!

It's difficult to boil someone's personality down into a paragraph or two, but I would say in general, I am introverted, a perfectionist, analytical yet emotional, and tend to focus intensely on traditions and the past. I love music, games, writing, dance and art, among other things (though I like them all in different ways). I also self-type myself as an ISFJ and an Enneagram type two, if that means anything to you. I would say my primary Magic: The Gathering personality color is Green, with secondary colors being Blue and Red. "

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Last Updated: 9 Aug. 2017
Added By: flag Hneet

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Song Title Artist Song Length Status Avg. Vote Queue Last Played
Miscellaneous » Wild (unknown/unusual source)Underground Pipe Society (Super Mario Bros. 3) flag DDRKirby(ISQ) (Timothy Wong) 4:21 Active 4.4 Log in to queue 2025-02-08