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Console » Mega Drive / GenesisCrusader of Centy (Soleil) - 17 - Tower of Babel Have video by flag Motokazu Shinoda (篠田 元一)
Requested By: flag djrandom
In Albums: Compilation Crusader of Centy (Soleil)
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Rating: 4.75 (4 Votes)

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Artist Info

Henryk Iwan
Groups : GroupPlastic

Location: flag Shanghai, China
Date Of Birth : 1 Jan. 1983
Associated Labels : LabelSony Computer Entertainment

Additional Information:

Henryk Iwan is an award-winning composer based in Shanghai (China) who has been pushing the quality of music for media in China in the last couple of years. In spite of his young age (born in 1983), he is already recognized with international awards, and has become one of the very few composers in the world with a privilege of having his music featured in Beijing's sacred Forbidden City.

He is known mostly for his outstanding video game soundtracks, among which are popular titles like KongZhong's Master of Meteor Blades (currently in beta), Perfect World's War of the Immortals, Datura (Sony), and Kung Fu Strike: The Warrior's Rise (Qooc Soft). No less impressive are his works on many highly-praised commercials for big brands like Apple, Nike, Volkswagen, Porsche, and many others.

He began his career in Poland (his country of birth), where he scored numerous short films such as Razem (Together) or Lydia, and provided additional music for a feature film The Bait. At the beginning of 2010 he decided to move to China, where he started supplying his music through various locally established companies.

In 2008, he received his first major award for the Best Video Game Score from Spectrasonics (USA), followed by the Best Melodic Sound Design award he received in 2012 from iZotope & Sonic State.

His style is very eclectic, as he believes that music can be simply good or not - regardless of the genre. To achieve best results, he likes to rely on timeless musical aspects, like well-written melodies, memorable themes and interesting harmonies. Backing it up and reinforcing with proper orchestrations, he prefers to make his compositions self-sufficient already "on paper", thus making the textural effects and great sound only a nice addition, rather than the main factor.

In 2014 he co-founded SCORIGAMI to meet the growing demand for his compositions, and as its Lead Composer & Audio Director, he continues to create some of the most highly regarded soundtracks.

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Last Updated: 21 April 2014
Added By: flag Woodee

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OST » Official Download (from Artist's page)Datura - 18 - Credits flag Henryk Iwan GroupPlastic 3:17 Active 3.0 Log in to queue 2023-05-09