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Miscellaneous » NewschoolRaiment - Grace by flag A art
Requested By: flag djrandom
In Albums: Compilation Raiment

Time Left: 4:33

A art - Raiment Screenshot
Rating: 3.00 (1 Votes)

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Artist Info


Name : Jarno Beumer
Location: flag Enschede

Additional Information:

Live DJ.

(excerpts from remix64 interview)

"[Q] You are new to the scene, why have you decided to become apart of it?

[A] You want a honest answer? :-) I found after I accidentally visited and read about it. ‘That’s great,’ I thought, ‘I can get remixes of C64 tunes here!’ I started to download some tunes at random and listened to them. To be honest, I was a bit dissappointed by the quality of the mixes I picked at that moment. So I thought: ‘I can do that better!’ and started working on Commando that evening. It turned out to be a big hit (in the scene): in just a few days I was on #1 and in less than a week the tune was on #1 in the month’s chart. I never thought it would be such a success. Now that I have downloaded and listened some more mixes I found some really good remixes too, like the Headroom remix of DHS of TSW. My first pick was a bit unlucky I guess, but at least it got me into the scene! :-)"

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Last Updated: 5 March 2014
Added By: flag cxw

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Song Title Artist Song Length Status Avg. Vote Queue Last Played
Computer » PC (custom)Cybernoid II Jarresque 2001 Mix flag DaTucker (Jarno Beumer) 7:37 Active 4.2 l Locked 2025-03-01