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Handheld » Game BoyOHM by flag IAYD (Alex)
Requested By: flag djrandom

Time Left: 1:05

Rating: 1.67 (6 Votes)

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Artist Info

Mega Beardo

Name : Ryan Postlethwait
Location: flag Morgantown, WV

Additional Information:

Lead guitarist of Last Level.

"Outside of my bands, I've been writing my own tunes for quite some time. I have old demos laying around dating back to around 1997. The songs back then - of course - were quite crappy, as I had just learned how to play guitar; I also knew fuck-all about 4-track recorders. Through trial and error, I was able to fumble my way through that old Fostex, and I would record multiple-track demos of nothing but guitars and pass cassettes around to friends in high school.

Once I got to college, I also entered into the digital age of recording. I got my hands on Sony Acid Pro 2.0 and an old copy of Fruity Loops and began learning the ropes of recording interfaces and drum programming. I kept writing instrumental guitar songs, and I would make copies of them for any of my friends that wanted them. Nothing else came about from those tunes, and I doubt anything will.

My first official solo release as MEGA BEARDO came in the form of Mega Beardo: A Mega Man 2 Guitar Tribute. This was a sort of loving tribute to one of my favorite things of the past 20 years. Recording cover versions of Nintendo songs, especially Mega Man songs, is definitely nothing new. But I hoped that my linear concept-album approach to the entire soundtrack would be a credible addition to the over-growing library of vintage gaming music re-imaginings.

On November 7, 2011, I released Belmont, my second album as Mega Beardo. Belmont is a metal concept album based on the original Castlevania game for the Nintendo Entertainment System. All nine tracks (70 minutes) on the album follow Simon Belmont as he progresses through each level of Dracula's castle to fulfill his destiny. The lyrics deal with Belmont's personal journey as he struggles with the burden of ridding the world from impending darkness. The recognizable villains and in-game environments play a key role, while certain characters and elements of the game are expanded upon in ways that enrich the overall story.

I have a lot of requests to do other vintage game covers, especially from the Mega Man catalog. I'm not ruling anything out at this point, and I do have another vintage game album in mind after Belmont. I also have a couple other tricks up my sleeve that I hope to start sometime [in 2011]."

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Last Updated: 30 Aug. 2013
Added By: flag cxw

Compilations Connected To This Artist

Compilation Mega Beardo - A Mega Man 2 Guitar Tribute

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Songs Connected To This Artist

Song Title Artist Song Length Status Avg. Vote Queue Last Played
Performance » GuitarMega Beardo - A Mega Man 2 Guitar Tribute - Air Man flag Mega Beardo (Ryan Postlethwait) 2:44 Active 3.0 Log in to queue 2024-07-24
Performance » GuitarMega Beardo - A Mega Man 2 Guitar Tribute - Bubble Man flag Mega Beardo (Ryan Postlethwait) 2:28 Active 3.5 Log in to queue 2024-02-27
Performance » GuitarMega Beardo - A Mega Man 2 Guitar Tribute - Closing Credits flag Mega Beardo (Ryan Postlethwait) 1:59 Active 5.0 Log in to queue 2024-11-22
Performance » GuitarMega Beardo - A Mega Man 2 Guitar Tribute - Crash Man flag Mega Beardo (Ryan Postlethwait) 2:53 Active 4.3 Log in to queue 2025-01-18
Performance » GuitarMega Beardo - A Mega Man 2 Guitar Tribute - Flash Man flag Mega Beardo (Ryan Postlethwait) 1:46 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2025-01-31
Performance » GuitarMega Beardo - A Mega Man 2 Guitar Tribute - Get Equipped flag Mega Beardo (Ryan Postlethwait) 0:28 Active 3.0 Log in to queue 2023-12-27
Performance » GuitarMega Beardo - A Mega Man 2 Guitar Tribute - Heat Man flag Mega Beardo (Ryan Postlethwait) 2:23 Active 4.5 Log in to queue 2025-02-18
Performance » GuitarMega Beardo - A Mega Man 2 Guitar Tribute - Holographic Alien flag Mega Beardo (Ryan Postlethwait) 3:16 Active 4.3 Log in to queue 2024-10-12
Performance » GuitarMega Beardo - A Mega Man 2 Guitar Tribute - In the Year of 200X flag Mega Beardo (Ryan Postlethwait) 0:36 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2025-02-08
Performance » GuitarMega Beardo - A Mega Man 2 Guitar Tribute - Into the Buebeam Trap flag Mega Beardo (Ryan Postlethwait) 1:24 Active 4.3 l Locked 2025-03-12
Performance » GuitarMega Beardo - A Mega Man 2 Guitar Tribute - Mecha Dragon flag Mega Beardo (Ryan Postlethwait) 6:13 Active 4.3 l Locked 2025-03-09
Performance » GuitarMega Beardo - A Mega Man 2 Guitar Tribute - MetalMan flag Mega Beardo (Ryan Postlethwait) 2:12 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2024-01-14
Performance » GuitarMega Beardo - A Mega Man 2 Guitar Tribute - Password flag Mega Beardo (Ryan Postlethwait) 1:37 Active 3.0 Log in to queue 2023-10-21
Performance » GuitarMega Beardo - A Mega Man 2 Guitar Tribute - Quick Man flag Mega Beardo (Ryan Postlethwait) 2:24 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2024-11-27
Performance » GuitarMega Beardo - A Mega Man 2 Guitar Tribute - Skull Castle flag Mega Beardo (Ryan Postlethwait) 1:51 Active 5.0 Log in to queue 2023-03-02
Performance » GuitarMega Beardo - A Mega Man 2 Guitar Tribute - Stage Select flag Mega Beardo (Ryan Postlethwait) 2:43 Active 4.0 l Locked 2025-03-02
Performance » GuitarMega Beardo - A Mega Man 2 Guitar Tribute - The Long Walk flag Mega Beardo (Ryan Postlethwait) 1:55 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2025-02-19
Performance » GuitarMega Beardo - A Mega Man 2 Guitar Tribute - Title Theme flag Mega Beardo (Ryan Postlethwait) 0:45 Active 4.8 Log in to queue 2025-01-10
Performance » GuitarMega Beardo - A Mega Man 2 Guitar Tribute - Wood Man flag Mega Beardo (Ryan Postlethwait) 2:35 Active 4.8 Log in to queue 2025-01-02