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Computer » PC (Windows - streaming and other)Shovel Knight - The Betrayer (Enchantress Final Form) by flag Virt (Jake Kaufman)
Requested By: flag djrandom
In Albums: Compilation Shovel Knight

Time Left: 3:41

Shovel Knight Screenshot 1 Screenshot
Rating: 4.67 (3 Votes)

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Artist Info

The Ink Spots Deceased

Location: flag
Date Of Death:

Additional Information:

The Ink Spots were a popular vocal group that helped define the musical genre that led to rhythm & blues and rock and roll, and the subgenre doo-wop. They and the Mills Brothers, another black vocal group of the 1930s and 1940s, gained much acceptance in the white community.

Their songs usually began with a guitar riff, followed by the tenor, who sang the whole song through. After the tenor finished singing, the bass would either recite the first half, or the bridge of the song, or would speak the words, almost in a free form, that were not part of the song, commonly using the words "Honey Child", or "Honey Babe", expressing his love for the opposite sex in the song. This was followed by the tenor, who finished up singing the last refrain or the last half of the song.

The Ink Spots formed in the early 1930s in Indianapolis. The original members were :

Orville "Hoppy" Jones (b. 17 February 1902, Chicago, Illinois - d. 18 October 1944, New York City) (bass) (Played cello in the manner of a stand up bass)
Ivory "Deek" Watson (b. 18 July 1909, Mounds, Illinois - d. 4 November 1969, Washington, DC) (tenor) (Played guitar and trumpet)
Jerry Daniels (b. 14 December 1915 - 7 November 1995, Indianapolis, Indiana) (tenor) (Played guitar and ukulele)
Charlie Fuqua (b. 20 October 1910 - 21 December 1971, New Haven, Connecticut) (baritone) (Played guitar)

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Last Updated: 2 Oct. 2012
Added By: flag deathy

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