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Computer » PC (Roland MT-32)Silpheed - Battle On Orbit by flag Mark Seibert
Requested By: flag djrandom
Production Labels: LabelSierra on-line

Time Left: 3:27

Rating: 5.00 (4 Votes)

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Artist Info


Location: flag Moscow

Additional Information:

KOSMOPOP2 started in 2005 as a side-project to the Moscow industrial-EBM band Spin Provider. It was formed to make use of the tracks that didn't fit the dark image of the industrial band. In 2007KOSMOPOP2 was joined by the second member. This allowed the band to gain more independency and find a new sound that was more inclined to 8-bit and featured Gameboy and Electronica IM-46 (toy synthesizer, the Soviet analogue of Casio VL-Tone) Combining the naive primitive sounds of electronic music with the trendy aesthetics of Russian retro-futurism KOSMOPOP2 takes the listener to the world of half-forgotten videogames and vivid memories, creating touching atmosphere of the distant childhood.

( from 8bc )

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Last Updated: 2 Oct. 2012
Added By: flag cxw

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Song Title Artist Song Length Status Avg. Vote Queue Last Played
Handheld » Game BoyTeal (008080) flag Kosmopop2 3:21 Active 4.5 Log in to queue 2024-12-29