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Computer » PC (custom)Battletoads by flag MASTER BOOT RECORD (Vittorio D'Amore)
Requested By: flag djrandom

Time Left: 5:32

Rating: 2.00 (1 Votes)

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Artist Info

Wet Mango

Name : Cristina Fuentes
Location: flag California

Additional Information:

Wet Mango is Cristina Fuentes solo music project created in 2008. She is a member of the Game Boy duo Sonic Death Rabbit started with Baseck in 2004. Her music can be categorized as Experimental Electronics, and is associated with the sub-genres of Chiptune and Breakcore. She currently composes on Game Boy Original, Color and DS using the software Little Sound DJ and Korg DS-10 with some use of synthesizers. The tempo varies from slow and crunky to fast and hardcore, sometimes within the same song. There are obvious influences blending together from genreÕs like Freestyle, Gabber, Hip Hop, Drum & Bass, and many more. Thick layers of dirty sounding, broken, heavy beats and melodies slide side by side to create un-categorized rhythmic noise. Most tracks are instrumental but there are some with singing, rapping, or brutal screaming. She also performs covers from artists such as Prince, Blondie, and George Michael and is known for her strong live shows. Wet Mango is currently based out of Los Angeles, California USA

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Last Updated: 2 Oct. 2012
Added By: flag jyooruje

Compilations Connected To This Artist

Compilation Blip Festival 2011: May 19-21 @ Eyebeam NYC

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Songs Connected To This Artist

Song Title Artist Song Length Status Avg. Vote Queue Last Played
Miscellaneous » Live RecordingLive @ Blip Festival 11 (Wet Mango) flag Wet Mango (Cristina Fuentes) 30:30 Active 2.4 Log in to queue 2020-10-02