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Handheld » Game Boy (LSDJ, with extra equipment)He's So Cool by flag Electric Children
Requested By: flag djrandom
In Albums: Compilation All Night Party

Time Left: 5:12

Electric Children - All Night Party Screenshot
Rating: 4.00 (6 Votes)

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Artist Info

Je deviens dj en 3 jours

Location: flag

Additional Information:

The DJ became the icon of a generation brainwashed by an unhealthy idea according to which music comes down to press on a PLAY/PAUSE button. Consequently, in 2006, Jules took it upon himself to put an end to this trickery by creating an educational and playful podcast which eventually became his stage name: Je Deviens Dj En 3 Jours!

JDDJ3J To fight back an oppressive urge of technological sophistication which can be found in the nowadays electronic music, he essentially compose and play with the DMG-O1 Game Boy by Nintendo which came onto the market in 1989 with the software Nanoloop.

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Last Updated: 2 Oct. 2012
Added By: flag jyooruje

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Songs Connected To This Artist

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