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Computer » PC (Windows - streaming and other)Baldur's Gate: The Original Saga - Main Theme by flag Michael Hoenig
Requested By: flag djrandom
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Time Left: 1:35

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Rating: 5.00 (11 Votes)

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Ankh Angel
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Name : Frank Chessar
Location: flag Port Angeles, Washington
Date Of Birth : 26 Aug. 1963

Additional Information:

Ankh Angel has dedicated his life to entertaining the masses,much to his pleasure it is one of his favorite things .Starting out at 7 years old playing live solo gigs he cut his teeth on the basics of music.Now the culmination of time & the internet has made it possible for his music to be heard on every shore of every continent.He has been writing in the animee influenced genre' format as of the last 3 singles of his Primal Power Progressive style.His latest hit debuted @ # 5 a dedication to the fallen Jackson called "King Of Pop".Recently as of 9/ 20 /09 a release of Happy Dance was made & shot vigorously up the soundclick charts to a position of # 3 a dedication to all those who are working to get that hit this ones for you.Dateline 2010 ......Ankh Angel Has written several solo songs Protozoa which Debuted @ # 3 & remained High in the charts position for weeks.Then came the Release of oh Holy Bells an abstract song beyond Zappa & Floyd that debuted in the top ten as well.All of a sudden Ankh Angel Breaks out the old school metal sound for his song Save Me which is a Sure Fire Hit since it has synth- Drums-Bass-Guitar-&Vocals sure to be a pleaser for the true die hard fans.The song STORM II has been tearing up the charts as of Feb 2010. AS of 12-12-09 a band has formed from Florida to Washington state. Ankh Angels Apocalypse is the band;comprised of Jim Bellamy on guitar Mark Allen on Drums & Frank Chessar on Vocals Hello ladies & gentleman,you may now Request live musics from Ankh Angel @ . Ankh Angel Has Been Playing solo now for about 6mos.the guys in Florida don't collaborate anymore.When you get to go to the left & select music =)

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Last Updated: 24 Feb. 2020
Added By: flag AnkhAngel

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