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Utility » PC Trackers (S3M / XM / IT / ...)Ephemeral Wanderer by flag C. C. Catch (Kenny Chow)
Requested By: flag epso
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Time Left: 5:38

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Rating: 4.47 (17 Votes)

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Name : syubidupidapap
Location: flag Bandung

Additional Information:

Umm alright ! lets begin from the start :) SYUBIDUPIDAPAP ! ! spell it well before we tell u about syubidupidapap..haha...ok from hobby to play gameboys and listening music kinda electric pop and anything music like 8bit. Ok! we have SALT, first he just played music like band player until the end of 2007 he heard chiptunes music in myspace. until he found what kind of that music.he plays gameboy and he has stupid idea to makes chiptunes music from sound of gameboys ! and he mixed pop genre in chiptunes music because that he knew chiptunes music identically with high beat or experimental, like beats in the club !and its worked he made this music more easy listening and everyone can sing along chiptunes music wif low distortion but high beat that can make u dance or just bang your head ! hahaha... And u can also hear sweet vocal from JASMINE she has an unique vocal to sing a song ! thats why syubidupidapap is different with other chiptunes artists, cause we have a sweet vocalist and others chiptunes band haven't it ! :D early in the year 2010 we added two people to help promote syubidupidapap.there TINA, which helps jasmine in the vocal position and YUNAN, which helped us in the position of the guitar player the more diverse our music and hopefully you all like it
enjoy our music

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Last Updated: 2 Oct. 2012
Added By: syubidupidapap

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Miscellaneous » Wild (unknown/unusual source)The Meaning Of Murphy flag syu (syubidupidapap) 3:44 Active 3.1 Log in to queue 2025-01-21