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Miscellaneous » Wild (unknown/unusual source)Double Dragon Neon - Final Palace by flag Virt (Jake Kaufman)
Requested By: flag djrandom
In Albums: Compilation Double Dragon Neon

Time Left: 3:42

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Rating: 4.87 (15 Votes)

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Compilation Compilation: Z80


Compilation Summary:
Name: Z80
Label: kittenrock
Running Time: 31:04
Num. Disks: 1
Media Type: MP3
Additional Info: Details Page
Download Link: Download Info

Added On: 9 Jan. 2012
By: flag jyooruje

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Compilation Details For Z80:

Hi. This is my the 4th album. As usual, entirely made for ZX Spectrum 48K (all recorded from real hadrware).
No any special assumptions this time. Maybe just to show how diverse Spectrum48 sounds. Therefor I used many various beeper engines, with various sounding, possibilities etc.

Engines used:
- OCTODE (9 channels)
- QCHAN (5 channels)
- TRITONE (4 channels)
- PHASER 1 (3 channels)
- LS (3 channels)
- Special_FX (3 channels)
- Huby (2 channels)

As a music instrument, Spectrum48 has limitless abilities, and every engine sounds different, which is unparalleled in comparison to other 8-bit computers.
That's because all the music is actually generated by Spectrum's CPU - Z80 chip - that produces all sounds and sends them into beeper and audio-out connector of ZX Spectrum (jack) through 1-bit transducer - ULA chip.
Sometimes it does it better, sometimes - worse. The "Noise" series songs for instance have been made on Huby engine, constructed especially for ZX-game designers (outcome file is very small and doesn't take too much of RAM) and this one makes - indeed - a lot of _noises_, which is audible on recordings.

Anyways. Most of these songs come actually from numerous games I made music for. Yes, yes - people still make many new ZX-games. You can also find my tunes in computer-scene demos.

This time I have two guests on my album.
"Firefly's Revenge" song has been composed by Factor6 (Czech) of AY-RIDERS band.
"What's dat fuzz" song has been composed by irrlicht project (Germany).

If you are interested in more 1-bit music from ZX Spectrum 48K, then visit these sites:


Compilation Artists: flag Factor6 flag Irrlicht Project flag Mister Beep

Songs In This Production (11 Total) :

Computer » Spectrum (Z80 / ULA)1-bit Synthetic by flag Mister Beep Log in to queue
Computer » Spectrum (Z80 / ULA)Save the Kingdom by flag Mister Beep l Locked
Computer » Spectrum (Z80 / ULA)Spiral space Part Z by flag Mister Beep Log in to queue
Computer » Spectrum (Z80 / ULA)Noises Part 1 by flag Mister Beep Log in to queue
Computer » Spectrum (Z80 / ULA)Greetings to C64 by flag Mister Beep Log in to queue
Computer » Spectrum (Z80 / ULA)Enemies from outer constellation by flag Mister Beep Log in to queue
Computer » Spectrum (Z80 / ULA)Spiral space Part Y by flag Mister Beep Log in to queue
Computer » Spectrum (Z80 / ULA)Triton and mermaid by flag Mister Beep Log in to queue
Computer » Spectrum (Z80 / ULA)Noises Part 2 by flag Mister Beep l Locked
Computer » Spectrum (Z80 / ULA)Firefly'’s Revenge (guest song) by flag Factor6 Log in to queue
Computer » Spectrum (Z80 / ULA)What’'s dat fuzz (guest song) by flag Irrlicht Project Log in to queue

Production Notes:

Normally Spectrum48 has only one channel of square-wave 1-bit sound (no volume control at all).
But Z80 is also ZX SPECTRUM's Central Processing Unit (CPU) so due to its 3,5Mhz activity (software mixing) Spectrum 48Kb has finally:

- from 2 to 9 channels,
- various modulations and envelopes,
- drums & noises,
- digital sound,
- speech synthesis,
- volumes (it's impossible to make various volumes in 1-bit sound actually so even this is impressive)

etc... Still only 1 bit of course. We could say that everything mentioned above is theroretically impossible to make on this computer. But... it still works!

Z80 chip produces all sounds and sends them into BEEPER and AUDIO-OUT connector of ZX SPECTRUM (jack) through ULA chip - the 1-bit transducer.

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